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Transforming continuing care

The Continuing Care Act (Bill 11) establishes consistent oversight of Alberta’s continuing care system to improve service delivery for Albertans.

Status: The Continuing Care Act received royal assent on May 31, 2022
Ministry responsible: Health


The Continuing Care Act (formerly Bill 11) begins a significant transformation of the continuing care system by replacing multiple acts with a single modernized piece of legislation to address changing needs and expectations.

The act establishes clear and consistent authority and oversight for licensing, accommodations and the delivery of publicly funded health care in the continuing care system.

Alberta’s existing continuing care legislation dates back to 1985 and no longer effectively reflects current practices, services or settings. The COVID-19 pandemic also revealed additional gaps and inconsistencies in previous legislation that is addressed through the Continuing Care Act.

Changes were informed by feedback received during comprehensive reviews of Alberta’s continuing care system to ensure Albertans have access to high-quality care and support.

Key changes

The Continuing Care Act:

  • replaces multiple acts with one piece of streamlined legislation for continuing care
  • improves transparency and accountability to Albertans regarding how the continuing care system is governed
  • establishes a consistent approach and alignment of legislated requirements and services across the continuing care system for home and community care, supportive living accommodations, palliative and end-of-life care and long-term care and designated supportive living
  • addresses gaps in current legislation to give Alberta Health greater authority to effectively monitor and enforce compliance to legislated requirements, including standards
  • enables a person-centred, flexible and innovative system of care

Next steps

The Continuing Care Act will come into force after approval of regulations and standards, and is expected in the spring of 2024.



Connect with us if you have questions about this act:

Email: [email protected]