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Streamlining professional governance laws

The Professional Governance Act (Bill 23) would make it easier for self-governing professions to protect Albertans’ health, safety and economic interests.

Status: Bill introduced May 2, 2022
Ministry Responsible: Labour and Immigration


Bill 23, the Professional Governance Act, would make it easier for self-governing professions to protect Albertans’ health, safety and economic interests by streamlining the legislation governing 22 non-health professional regulatory organizations.

If passed, Bill 23 will consolidate 9 current acts that govern these organizations into a single act with one supporting regulation and align it with the Labour Mobility Act and the Fair Registration Practices Act. The bill would make it easier for self-governing professions to safeguard Albertans’ health, safety and economic interests by providing a more consistent and efficient framework to manage functions like governance, registration and professional conduct.

The current legislation regulating these organizations causes inconsistencies and inefficiencies, and parts of it are outdated. Streamlining Alberta’s professional laws would reduce red tape, assist in attracting job-creation investment, help professionals from other provinces and countries have their credentials recognized in Alberta and protect public safety.

Key changes

If passed, the Professional Governance Act will:

  • provide a consistent and standard way for professional regulatory organizations to carry out core functions such as governance, registration and addressing professional conduct
  • contain profession-specific schedules to address any unique needs, and simplify the processes for combining or de-registering existing professional regulatory organizations and creating new ones
  • align with the Labour Mobility Act and Fair Registration Practices Act so out-of-province professionals are recognized and permitted to work in Alberta more quickly
  • solidify the process of appointing public members to the organizations to ensure the public’s interest is represented, and allow a public administrator to be appointed when an organization is not fulfilling obligations or acting in good faith

Next steps

If passed, the Professional Governance Act will take effect upon proclamation. One supporting regulation and the profession-specific schedules would be developed throughout 2022.
