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Musical. Based on the play by Richard O’Brien. A naïve couple (Susan Sarandon, Barry Bostwick) stumbles into the castle of a mad scientist (Tim Curry) whose passions become increasingly bizarre as the night progresses.
Content elements
- One use of the sexual expletive in a non-sexual context; infrequent use of mild cursing and sexual innuendo
- Infrequent portrayals of weapons violence – some blood and detail
- Frequent portrayals of sexual activity in a stylized, musical context – no nudity, some detail
- Infrequent breast nudity in a non-sexual context
Thematic elements
- Gender and identity
- Individuality versus conformity
- Hedonism and risk
- Self-expression
Classification rationale
Rated 14A for stylized portrayals of sexual activity, and for some nudity
Classification date
October 23, 2013Was this page helpful?
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