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Registration of a right-hand-drive vehicle in Alberta

Steps to take when buying and registering an imported right-hand-drive vehicle.

Before you buy

Before you purchase an imported right-hand-drive vehicle, you should be aware of several factors that may affect your decision. Not asking the right questions could result in substantial costs and delays for you.


Parts for right-hand-drive vehicles may be difficult to find and may have to be ordered directly from the country where the vehicle was manufactured. Even if you can order the parts in Canada, it can take months for them to arrive. It can also be difficult to find dealers interested in servicing imported, right-hand-drive vehicles or trading them in for a North American built left-hand-drive vehicle.

The way you drive changes

Right-hand-drive vehicles require changes in the way you normally drive. It has been found the risk of being involved in a collision with a right-hand-drive vehicle is 40% higher. This may be because it is more difficult to perform simple driving functions such as:

  • passing – you must go further into the left lane to see if it is safe to pass.
  • left turns – you must allow the vehicle ahead of you to clear the intersection before you have a clear view of your path.

You are subject to provincial laws the moment your vehicle is to be driven on a public road.

After You Buy

Your vehicle must pass an out of province vehicle inspection before it can be registered to drive on our roads. 

  • Visit a registry office and purchase a ’Request for Inspection’ form. 
  • Take the ’Request for Inspection’ form and your vehicle to an out of province vehicle inspection facility.

Purpose of inspection

Imported right-hand-drive vehicles were never built for or intended to be driven on North American roads. They may have equipment and parts that pose a danger to the driver, passengers, and the public.

To ensure the safety of the public, several modifications may have to be made to your right-hand-drive vehicle before it is legally allowed to drive on our roads and highways. For example, headlights that used to tilt toward the ditch and now tilt toward an oncoming driver, may have to be replaced.

Once your vehicle is inspected

If your vehicle passes inspection, you will receive an out of province vehicle inspection certificate confirming you are permitted to register your vehicle. The vehicle inspection certificate must be presented to a Registry Agent within 14 days of the date of issue, to register the vehicle.

If the vehicle does not pass inspection, you will have 10 days to complete the required repairs. Within 10 days of the repairs being completed, take the vehicle back to the vehicle inspection facility for a re-inspection. If the vehicle passes this re-inspection, an out of province vehicle inspection certificate will be issued. 

It is recommended that you contact the original equipment manufacturer for proper parts. You are responsible for having this work completed, at your cost.