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Recognizing special days

The Special Days Act (Bill 3) creates a new process to recognize special dates and help promote greater cultural awareness.

Status: The Special Days Act received Royal Assent on March 24, 2022
Ministry responsible: Culture


The Special Days Act (formerly Bill 3) introduces a standardized process for how Alberta’s government recognizes days, occasions or events that have significant meaning to Albertans.

It allows ministers to acknowledge special days in perpetuity through Ministerial Declarations. All dates will be tracked on an web page so Albertans can learn more about the special date and prevent duplicate requests.

Alberta currently recognizes special dates through an act, a one-time declaration, or an ongoing proclamation involving the creation of an Order in Council. The last 2 methods do not have any legal protection. The new process would make it faster and easier for dates to be acknowledged and allow them to be recognized each year.

The Special Days Act strengthens cultural awareness, remember historic events, and inspire Albertans to take action or get involved in important causes.

Key changes

The Special Days Act:

  • enables ministers to make ministerial declarations issued through Ministerial Order to recognize special dates, occasions or events in perpetuity
  • continues to recognize dates that have been previously recognized through proclamations or acts
  • requires all recognized special dates to be tracked on a web page on (ministerial statements will be used to recognize one-time dates)
  • allows Albertans to continue requesting recognition of special dates by writing to the relevant cabinet minister or submitting a request through the Request a declaration form online

Next steps

The Special Days Act took effect on March 24, 2022 when it received royal assent.
