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Pyramiding of leave benefits directive

This directive describes the pyramiding of leave benefits for managers and opted out or excluded employees.

About this directive

Reference to applicable legislation (act or regulation):Part 11, Public Service Employment Regulation
Application:All employees appointed or employed pursuant to the Public Service Act, with the exception of employees who are members of the bargaining unit.
Last updated:February 2022
Last reviewed:February 2022
Amended by:Alberta Public Service Commission:
Labour Relations Policy and Programs, Labour Relations Policy and Programs Branch, Policy and Negotiations


The intent of this directive is to ensure consistency and fairness in the kinds of pyramiding requests of leave benefits that may be approved. Leave entitlements are intended to protect an employee's income when they are away from work. If an employee's income is protected by one leave, the employer will not normally allow the employee to substitute another leave.


This directive describes the pyramiding of leave benefits for managers and opted out or excluded employees and the kinds of pyramiding requests that may be approved.

Bargaining unit employees are covered by the Collective Agreement.

Pyramiding of benefits

Benefits are pyramided when an employee has been approved for one kind of leave with pay and requests to have that benefit replaced with another kind of leave with pay. For example, when an employee is away on vacation leave and becomes unexpectedly ill or incapacitated, the employee may request that their vacation leave be substituted for illness leave.

Approval of request

In situations where an employee can show evidence that they were hospitalized or similarly incapacitated during their vacation, the Deputy Head or delegated authority identified in the HR Decision Matrix, may approve the substitution of illness leave, provided the employee has illness leave remaining to cover the period in question.

All requests will be assessed on a case-by-case basis and in alignment with the principles outlined in this directive.