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North central native trout recovery engagement

In 2017, Alberta anglers responded to a survey on trout population management in the Ram River region.

This engagement has been archived.
Status: Completed
Ministry responsible: Environment and Parks
Completed: 2017


The North Central Native Trout Recovery Program is a fisheries management strategy aimed at protecting native trout populations in Alberta's north and central east slopes region.

Two online surveys asked Albertans about:

  • proposed angling closures
  • regulation changes to support native trout recovery
  • preferred recreational fisheries management objectives for the cutthroat trout populations in the Ram River watershed

More than a 1000 anglers and outdoor enthusiasts across Alberta responded to the surveys. The survey results show that Albertans have a wide range of opinions on to the proposed regulation changes in the Ram River.

It is clear that additional consultation is required for the Alberta government to better understand the needs and desires of anglers for the introduced, that is, stocked and naturalized cutthroat trout fishery in this watershed.

Life cycle

North-central native trout survey – September 25 to October 10, 2017

Ram river watershed survey – October 26 to November 30, 2017

Related links

North Central Native Trout Recovery Program video
Fisheries management