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Mobile home site issues engagement

Feedback gathered to help us better understand and address concerns related to living in or managing mobile home sites.


We gathered input from Albertans to help us identify challenges and barriers faced by mobile home residents, landlords and organizations to help inform potential policy or legislative changes.

Mobile home site residents previously identified a need for a coordinated approach to discuss issues that cannot be resolved through the Residential Tenancy Dispute Resolution Service.

The engagement supported those discussions by exploring:

  • site maintenance
  • mobile home community infrastructure
  • health and safety
  • affordability
  • safety and security

The Mobile Home Sites Tenancies Act governs the relationship between landlords and residents of mobile home sites. Changes to the act granted mobile home site residents and landlords access to the Residential Tenancy Dispute Resolution Service to help resolve tenancy-related disputes without having to go to court.


  • Open

    Nov. 16, 2020 to Feb. 28, 2021

  • Results under review

  • Completed

    April 2022

Who is listening

Ministry of Service Alberta

Input received

Stakeholder engagement

Virtual stakeholder roundtable sessions concluded in February 2021.

Online survey

The online survey closed on December 13, 2020. Thank you for your feedback.


Your input helped us better understand the barriers and challenges in the current system. Additional resources have been developed to help mobile home site residents and landlords understand their responsibilities and to provide information on supports and services available to help address issues.