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Mammal species at risk

At-risk reports on bison, grizzly bears, woodland caribou and other mammals in the province.

Please note: species status as presented within publications may have changed since the publication date. Current general and detailed status is listed for each species.

Mammals – General

Species at Risk Program Reports

No.4 - Survey of the bats of central and northwestern Alberta

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 4, prepared by M.J. Vonhof and D. Hobson

No. 12 - Distribution of selected small mammals in Alberta

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 12, prepared by L. Engley and M. Norton

No. 31 – Alberta Furbearer Harvest Data

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 12, prepared by K.G. Poole and G. Mowat

No. 50 – Carnivores and Corridors in the Crowsnest Pass

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 50, prepared by C. Chetkiewicz and M.S. Boyce

No.68 – Survey of Bats in Northeastern Alberta

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 68, prepared by A. Hubbs and T. Schowalter

No.69 – Survey Protocol for the Richardson’s Ground Squirrel

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 69, prepared by B.A. Downey

American Badger

Scientific Name: Taxidea taxus
General Status: Sensitive
Detailed Status: Data Deficient

Detailed Status Report

Status of the American Badger (Taxidea taxus) in Alberta

  • Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 43, prepared by D. Scobie

Related Information:

Additional information for this species is available at:

Wood Bison

Scientific Name: Bison bison athabascae
General Status: At Risk
Detailed Status: Threatened

Detailed Status Report

Status of the American Bison in Alberta

  • Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 38 (update 2017), prepared by J.S. Nishi

Grizzly Bear

Scientific Name: Ursus arctos
General Status: At Risk
Detailed Status: Threatened

Detailed Status Report

A status report on Alberta’s grizzly bear population and habitat, prepared by an independent scientist, establishes a new baseline of information for the province.

The report uses data collected from the advanced technique on DNA surveys, satellite habitat mapping and other information regarding populations and habitat.

Report Findings

The report estimates 691 grizzly bears ranging in density from five to 18 bears per 1,000 square kilometres. Some local populations with significant habitat alteration may be declining; other populations appear stable.

Status of the Grizzly Bear (Ursus arctos) in Alberta

  • Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 37 (Update 2010), prepared by M. Festa-Bianchet

Recovery Plans and Summaries

To view the 2020 Grizzly Bear Recovery Plan prepared by Alberta Environment and Parks, see:

  • Grizzly Bear Recovery Plan

For more information, contact:

Species at Risk Program Reports

Related Information

Additional information for this species is available at:

Also see:

Northern Myotis

Scientific Name: Myotis septentrionalis
Other Common Names: northern bat, northern long-eared bat
General Status: Sensitive
Detailed Status: Data Deficient

Detailed Status Report

Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 03 Update 2009, prepared by C. Lausen

Archived Detailed Status Report

Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 3, prepared by M.C. Caceres, M.J. Pybus

Related Information

Additional information for this species is available at:

Ord’s Kangaroo Rat

Scientific Name: Dipodomys ordii
General Status: At Risk
Detailed Status: Endangered

Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 4, prepared by D.L. Gummer

Fact Sheet

Recovery Plan and Action Summary

Alberta Species at Risk Recovery Plan No. 31, prepared by Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development

For more information, contact:

Species at Risk Program Reports

Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 63, prepared by D.L. Gummer and S.E. Robertson
Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 63, prepared by D.J. Bender, D.L. Gummer and R.E. Dzenkiw
Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 125, prepared by K.J. Kissner
Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 131, prepared by D.J. Bender, R. Dzenkiw and D.L. Gummer
Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 136, prepared by D.J. Bender, D.L. Gummer, R. Dzenkiw and J.A. Heinrichs

Related Information

Additional information for this species is available at:

Updated: Aug 27, 2018

Red-tailed Chipmunk

Scientific Name: Tamias ruficaudus
General Status: Sensitive
Detailed Status: Not at Risk

Detailed Status Report

Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 19, prepared by R. Bennett

Swift Fox

Scientific Name: Vulpes velox
General Status: At Risk
Detailed Status: Endangered

Detailed Status Report

Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 7, prepared by S.E. Cotterill

Fact Sheet

Recovery Plan

Alberta Species at Risk Recovery Plan No. 14, prepared by the Alberta Swift Fox Recovery Team For more information, contact:

Species at Risk Program Reports

Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 24, prepared by A. Moehrenschlager and C. Moehrenschlager

Related Information

Additional information for this species is available at:

Western Small-footed Bat

Scientific Name: Myotis ciliolabrum
General Status: Sensitive
Detailed Status: Species of Special Concern

Detailed Status Report

Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 64, prepared by C. Lausen and T. Schowalter

Management Plan

Alberta Species at Risk Conservation Management Plan No. 6, prepared by L. Wilkinson

Related Information

Additional information for this species is available at:


Scientific Name: Gulo gulo
General Status: May be at Risk
Detailed Status: Data Deficient

Detailed Status Report

Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 2, prepared by S. Petersen

Fact Sheet

Species at Risk Program Reports

Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 32, prepared by G. Mowat
Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 71, prepared by G. Mowat, C. Kyle and D. Paetkau

Related Information

Additional information for this species is available at:

Woodland Caribou

Scientific Name: Rangifer tarandus caribou
General Status: At Risk
Detailed Status: Threatened

Detailed Status Report

Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 30 (Update 2010), prepared by D. Cichowski

Archived Status Report

Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 30, prepared by E. Dzus

Recovery Plans and Summaries

Alberta Species at Risk Recovery Plan No. 4, prepared by the Alberta Woodland Caribou Recovery Team

Species at Risk Program Reports

Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 23, prepared by T. Szkorupa
Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 33, prepared by G.A. Sanchez-Azofeifa and R. Bechtel
Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 48, prepared by T. Szkorupa

Related Information

Additional information for this species is available at:

  • Caribou Range Planning
  • Wildlife Sensitivity Maps – Data Sets
    Industrial operators, government departments and the general public may review the following caribou-related wildlife sensitivity feature layers:
    • Caribou Range Key Range Layer (Comes into effect Apr 1, 2013)
    • Caribou Zone Key Wildlife Layer (Expires Mar 31, 2013)
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