Alberta has 2 types of certification for school leaders – leadership certification and superintendent leadership certification.
- Teachers designated in principal or acting principal roles must hold leadership certification.
- Teachers appointed as superintendent or acting superintendent of schools must hold both leadership certification and superintendent leadership certification.
The following positions do not require leadership certification:
- assistant or vice principals
- assistant or deputy superintendents
- other school jurisdiction leaders
Professional practice standards
Leadership certifications align with the Leadership Quality Standard and Superintendent Leadership Quality Standard.
Principals, assistant principals and school jurisdiction leaders must meet the Leadership Quality Standard.
Superintendents of school and deputy superintendents must meet the Superintendent Leadership Quality Standard.
Learn more about professional practice standards.
Permanent leadership certifications
College of Alberta School Superintendents
Effective September 1, 2022, the College of Alberta School Superintendents Act makes the College of Alberta School Superintendents a legislated organization responsible for upholding the superintendent profession. This includes superintendents and chief deputy superintendents employed in public separate or francophone or regional school authorities.
- Establish categories of non-regulated, or optional, membership.
- Allow the minister to appoint public members to the College’s board of directors.
Leadership excellence
- Ensure regulated members are skilled and competent in their professional practice.
- Set learning requirements and offer professional development to all regulated members.
- Oversee the professional discipline of its regulated members.
- Table an annual report in the legislature.
- Hold annual general meetings.
The College is not be responsible for assuming union functions, engaging in collective bargaining on behalf of its members or assisting in negotiating employment contracts.
Temporary certifications
Temporary leadership certifications allow teachers to work in a principal or superintendent of schools position before they meet the full requirements of certification.
Temporary certification is valid from the issue date until August 31 of the third year, during which time principals and superintendents must complete any outstanding requirements for permanent leadership certification.
Temporary leadership certification
A teacher may temporarily work as a principal without holding leadership certification if the superintendent of schools, or their designate, submits a request through TWINS.
Temporary superintendent leadership certification
Government provides temporary superintendent leadership certification as part of the superintendent of schools appointment process.
Recognition under labour mobility
If you currently hold certification for principal or superintendent roles in another Canadian jurisdiction, please contact us about your eligibility for leadership certification or superintendent leadership certification under labour mobility legislation.
Connect with Teacher and Leadership Certification:
Phone: 780-427-2045
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)
Email: [email protected]
2nd Floor, 44 Capital Boulevard
10044 108 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 5E6