Integrated Resource Plans (IRPs):
- represent the Government of Alberta’s resource management policy for public lands and resources within defined areas
- identify resource potentials and opportunities for development
- provide guidance for decision-makers, industry, and the public having responsibility or interests in the area
In addition to IRPs, Regional Integrated Decisions (RIDS) are smaller scale planning documents developed to address specific or urgent issues and resolve local land-use management conflicts.
IRPs and RIDs have provided land and resource direction for over 30 years, however these plans lack adaptive management. As a result:
- current land-use activities may be absent in the plans
- some plans reflect management intent that no longer applies and/or is not relevant
- some plan provisions do not align with and/or have been replaced by present Government of Alberta policy and legislation
Land-use Framework, regional planning, and IRPs
Alberta’s Land-use Framework (LUF) sets out an approach to manage our province’s public land and natural resources:
- the Alberta Land Stewardship Act supports LUF and establishes the legal basis for the development of seven new land-use regions and development of a regional plan for each
- LUF provides a clear planning hierarchy that includes regional, subregional, issue specific, and local plans to ensure efficiencies and clarity for decision-makers
- under LUF, all planning documents (for example, IRPs) are to be consistent with new strategic direction in regional plans and there will be a requirement to align all land use decisions with Regional Plan objectives and outcomes
- with the introduction of regional plans, IRPs and RIDS will remain in effect until they have been reviewed for their relevance and incorporated as appropriate under regional plans, future subregional plans, issue-specific plans or current legislation, regulation or policy.
You can find more information about regional planning in the Land-use Framework.
IRP list
The following list identifies the IRPs and RIDs from across the Province:
A to C
- A Policy for Resource Management of the Eastern Slopes Revised 1984
- Athabasca River Sandhills Access & Protection Plan
- Athabasca River Sandhills Local Integrated Resource Plan
- Avenir Regional Integrated Decision
- Bear River Wapiti Local - Integrated Resource Plan
- Beaverhill Lake Land Use Plan-Integrated Resource Plan
- Big Bend Sub-Regional - Integrated Resource Plan
- Bow Corridor Local - Integrated Resource Plan
- Brazeau Pembina Sub-Regional - Integrated Resource Plan
- Buffalo Lake Integrated Shoreland Management Plan
- Burnstick Lake Management Plan
- Castle River Sub-Regional – Integrated Resource Plan
- Christina Lake Management Plan
- Coal Branch Sub-Regional - Integrated Resource Plan
- Cold Creek Regional Integrated Decision
- Cold Lake Sub-Regional - Integrated Regional Plan
- Crowsnest Corridor Local - Integrated Resource Plan
D to G
- Deadwood-Dixonville Regional Integrated Decision
- David Thompson Corridor - Integrated Resource Plan
- Eastern Irrigation District - Integrated Resource Plan
- Eden Valley - Integrated Resource Plan
- Fawcett Lake Lakeshore Management Plan
- Fort McMurray Athabasca Oil Sands Sub-Regional - Integrated Resource Plan
- Frost Hills Local Integrated Resource Plan
- Ghost River Sub-Regional Integrated Resource Plan
- Grande Prairie County West Local Integrated Resource Plan
- Island Lake Regional Integrated Decision
J to N
- Jean D'Or Prairie Sub-Regional - Integrated Resource Plan
- Kananaskis Country Sub-Regional - Integrated Resource Plan
- Keg River Sub-Regional – Integrated Resource Plan
- Lakeland – East Frenchman Lake – Integrated Resource Plan
- Lakeland – South Beaver Lake Local Plan – Integrated Resource Plan
- Lakeland Sub-Regional - Integrated Resource Plan
- Livingstone Porcupine Hills Sub-Regional - Integrated Resource Plan
- Ministik Lake Game Bird Sanctuary
- Nordegg – Red Deer River Sub-Regional - Integrated Resource Plan
P to W
- Peerless – Graham Lakes – Integrated Resource Plan
- Poll Haven – Integrated Resource Plan
- Red Deer River Corridor - Integrated Management Plan
- Rocky North Saskatchewan Sub-Regional - Integrated Resource Plan
- Rocky Regional Integrated Decision
- Rumsey Parkland South Regional Integrated Decision
- Smith Hondo Local Plan
- Smoke and Iosegun Lakes Management Plan
- Smoky Peace Point Local - Integrated Resource Plan
- South Wapiti Local Plan
- Sturgeon Lake Puskwaskau East Sub-Regional - Integrated Resource Plan
- Wabasca Regional Integrated Decision
- Wapiti Grande Prairie Sand Dunes - Integrated Land Use Management Plan
- Wapiti Sand Dunes - Land Use Zones
- Whitecourt Anselmo Public Land Use Strategy
- Winefred Lake and Grist Lake - Regional Integrated Decision
- West Yellowhead Corridor Regional Integrated Decision
GIS spatial data/map files
Visit the GeoDiscover Alberta website to find, view, and access Integrated Resource Plan maps and geographic information.
Connect with staff from the Planning Branch office contact: [email protected].