Part of Insurance

Insurance – Information for insurers

Filing requirements, forms, bulletins, notices, guidelines, legislation, company information and CCIR links.

Form instructions

Fillable PDF forms may not open properly on some mobile devices and web browsers. See the step-by-step guide or contact PDF form technical support.

To submit your forms

Follow the directions on the form for submission instructions. If you have any questions, contact the Alberta Superintendent of Insurance.


The Alberta Superintendent of Insurance is responsible for all insurance sector regulatory compliance activities performed by the offices of Financial Sector Regulation and Policy, a division of Alberta Treasury Board and Finance.

These activities include receiving, reviewing and approving required filings, and performing examinations of institutions, interpreting legislation, and making recommendations to the President of Treasury Board and Minister of Finance with respect to insurance sector policy.

Filing requirements

All Insurance Entities licensed in Alberta are required to file a number of documents on a consistent basis, in order to fulfill statutory requirements. 'Insurance Entities' refers to:

  • property and casualty insurance companies
  • life insurance companies
  • reciprocal insurance exchanges
  • fraternal benefit societies
  • exempt entities that file information with the Superintendent of Insurance in Alberta

Details of filing requirements

These documents have details on the Superintendent of Insurance’s filing requirements, dependent on the Insurance Entity’s primary regulator:

Alberta accepts electronic filing only

Go to the Insurance Regulatory Information System.

If you require assistance:

  • insurance companies, fraternal benefit societies or reciprocal insurance exchanges can email: [email protected]
  • special brokers or unlicensed reporting companies can email: [email protected]

Information from the Federal Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI)

Forms and guidelines

Alberta accepts electronic filing only for the following forms – for insurers, reciprocal insurance exchanges and exempt entities.

The following forms must be completed or submitted using the Insurance Regulatory Information System.

If you need help, email: [email protected].

Incorporation guidelines

Guide for Incorporating an Alberta Insurance Company, or Licensing a Reciprocal Insurance Exchange in Alberta – January 2020

  • This guide is a reference tool for applicants wishing to incorporate an insurance company in the province of Alberta.
  • The guide includes information for licensing of a reciprocal insurance exchange where Alberta is the primary regulator.

New insurance licence application

For new insurance licence applications and license amendments, please refer to the documentation provided by the Canadian Council of Insurance Regulators (CCIR). The following link will direct you to the relevant application forms and instructions on the CCIR website:

Once you have completed the necessary forms, submit them online at the following link:

You will find the following information on the CCIR website:

  • Insurance Licence Application Form
  • Instructions for Completing the Application Form
  • Appendix I: Personal Information Return
  • Appendix II: Attorney for Service in Canada (CCIR form to change the Attorney for Service in Alberta – see section 39(1) of the Insurance Act)
  • Appendix III: Power of Attorney
  • Appendix IV: Canadian Insurance Regulators’ Contact and Fee Information
  • Appendix V: Classes of Insurance

For fee-related information, refer to Minister of Finance Order 01/2006 – Fees under the Insurance Act.

Renewal of insurance licence

Anti-terrorism financing report

Form for automobile insurance companies

Forms for property and casualty insurance companies

These forms are from the Manual of Reporting Forms and Instructions page – Federal Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI)

Forms for life insurance companies and fraternals

These forms are from the Manual of Reporting Forms and Instructions page – Federal Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI)

Forms for reciprocal insurance exchanges

Forms for special brokers and unlicensed insurance

Complete and submit the following forms online:

  • Special Broker Application
  • Special Broker Renewal
  • Special Broker Monthly Reporting
  • Unlicensed Insurance Reporting

Life insurance forms

The following forms are intended for consumers and insurers:

Annual statement on market conduct forms

These forms must be filed electronically with AMF

The following forms must be completed and submitted through the Autorité des marchés financiers’ (AMF) website, using AMF’s E-Services

The following instructions and links were updated on February 14, 2018.

The Annual Statement on Market Conduct was introduced in 2017 by the Canadian Council of Insurance Regulators (CCIR), in order for the insurance regulators across Canada to receive detailed information about the marketplace and insurers' practices.
The requirement to complete and file the information collected through the Annual Statement is based on the authority of each of the provincial and territorial insurance regulators to collect such information from insurers within their jurisdiction.

The Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) is the designated service provider for all CCIR regulators, and Alberta has signed an agreement with the AMF to act as the Service Provider. Therefore, the AMF collects the Annual Statement in the name of all regulators. For information on the CCIR, please visit the CCIR website.

The following forms are available on the Autorité des marchés financiers’ (AMF) website. The filing of the Annual Statement must be done through AMF's E-Services.

Note: these PDF forms are for reference only. An insurer filing the Annual Statement must download the Excel template from the AMF's E-Services and submit to the AMF.


Bulletins, notices and enforcement

OSFI guidelines

Guidelines for provincially regulated insurance entities

In accordance with section 792.1 of the Insurance Act, the Superintendent of Insurance has adopted and issued the following Guidelines of the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI Guidelines), including future revisions, for these entities collectively known as 'provincially regulated insurance entities':

  • provincially incorporated property and casualty insurers, life insurers and reciprocal insurance exchanges, either formed under the Insurance Act, or who have transferred to Alberta such that Alberta is their primary regulator

Apart from differences due to law and unless otherwise stated, the Superintendent of Insurance has adopted and issued these guidelines, including revisions thereto, in full. The Superintendent intends to apply the OSFI Guidelines with appropriate discretion having regard to the size, risk, complexity and structure of each provincially regulated insurance entity. The Superintendent of Insurance may, with appropriate discretion, require extra-provincial incorporated entities licensed to operate in Alberta to comply with the OSFI Guidelines.

Superintendent of Insurance supervisory framework

The Superintendent of Insurance supervises and regulates provincially regulated insurance entities to determine whether they are:

  • in sound financial condition
  • complying with legislative requirements, guidelines and supervisory expectations

To accomplish this, the Superintendent of Insurance uses a risk-based supervisory framework to identify imprudent or unsafe business practices within the insurance industry and intervenes on a timely basis, as required.

Guideline to intervention for Alberta’s P&C insurers

Pursuant to section 817 of the Insurance Act, this guideline is part of an agreement on intervention strategies made between the President of Treasury Board and Minister of Finance and the Property and Casualty Insurance Compensation Corporation (PACICC).

This guideline sets out the intervention process, roles and responsibilities and supervisory actions that the Minister’s delegate, the Superintendent of Insurance, and the Superintendent’s office may take, in coordination with the PACICC, to address concerns identified with a provincially incorporated insurance company.

Related to OSFI: Superintendent of Insurance Interpretation Bulletins

Automobile insurance rating factors framework

The Automobile Insurance Rating Factors Framework is used by the Superintendent of Insurance to inform decisions on what automobile insurance rating factors to allow for use in Alberta. It is also intended to promote openness and transparency about the decision making process.

 See automobile insurance for more information


Insurance legislation, orders and agreements

Insurance company lists and financial data

About insurance companies licensed in Alberta

CCIR links

The Canadian Council of Insurance Regulators (CCIR) is an inter-jurisdictional association of insurance regulators. The mandate of the CCIR is to facilitate and promote an efficient and effective insurance regulatory system in Canada to serve the public interest. They work with other jurisdictions to develop solutions to common regulatory issues. For more information go the CCIR website.

Information for captive insurers

Find information for captive insurers. Captives may be set up in any sector as an alternative to using a traditional insurer.

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Connect with Prudential Supervision, Office of the Alberta Superintendent of Insurance:

Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-643-2237
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)
Fax: 780-420-0752
Email: [email protected]

Alberta Superintendent of Insurance
Alberta Treasury Board and Finance
Financial Sector Regulation and Policy
402 Terrace Building
9515 107 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2C3