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Indigenous off-reserve affordable housing engagement

Increasing the supply of off-reserve, non-market, affordable rental housing units for Indigenous peoples in need.

This engagement has been archived
Status: Completed
Ministry responsible: Seniors and Housing
Completed: 2019


The Government of Alberta has allocated $120 million over the next 5 years to increase the supply of off-reserve, non-market, affordable rental housing units for Indigenous peoples in need.

Input received

Indigenous organizations and Indigenous-serving organizations were invited to participate in a provincewide listening tour in June 2017. Information gathered was used to inform the development of an Indigenous off-reserve affordable housing program.

The listening tour helped us understand:

  • who is most in need of off-reserve affordable rental housing
  • where off-reserve affordable rental housing is most needed
  • what characteristics the off-reserve affordable rental housing should have

To learn about key findings from the listening tour, read the What We Heard Summary: Indigenous Housing Capital Program.

