FSCD Listening sessions

Parents were invited to provide feedback on ways to improve the Family Support for Children with Disabilities (FSCD) program.

Status: Completed
Ministry responsible: Community and Social Services
Completed: 2019


We have made changes to the Family Support for Children with Disabilities (FSCD) program in response to concerns raised by parents at listening sessions held in May 2018.

Those concerns, the changes made so far, and changes still in progress are outlined in the What we heard report.

We held additional listening sessions this fall to better understand the experience of families who access FSCD specialized services and the multi-disciplinary team (MDT) process.


Parents were invited to attend a listening session or provide feedback online.

The feedback gathered was used to help:

  • improve our policy and processes
  • clarify the role of families and professionals in providing direct support to children

The survey closed November 9, 2018, and sessions were held October to early November. We are currently reviewing feedback.


If you have any questions about the FSCD listening sessions, please email [email protected].