Establishing the future of Alberta health care

The Health Statutes Amendment Act, 2024, enables the transition to a unified health care system of 4 sector-based provincial health agencies.

Status: The Health Statutes Amendment Act, 2024, received Royal Assent on May 30, 2024
Ministries responsible: Health and Mental Health and Addiction 


The Health Statutes Amendment Act, 2024 (formerly Bill 22), enables the Alberta government to take the necessary next steps to refocus the province’s health care system. The act ensures Albertans have a health system that prioritizes their need to:

  • find a primary care provider
  • get urgent care without long wait times
  • have access to the best continuing care options and supports
  • have access to comprehensive mental health and addiction services across the province

Key changes

The Health Statues Amendment Act, 2024:

  • enables the transition from one regional health authority, Alberta Health Services, to an integrated system of 4 sector-based provincial health agencies, including:
    • primary care
    • acute care
    • continuing care
    • Recovery Alberta (mental health and addiction)
  • ensures strong governance and accountability from the new provincial health agencies by enhancing the role of the Minister of Health
  • enhances government oversight to direct resources more efficiently to the front lines, support health care professionals and improve overall patient care
  • includes amendments to the Regional Health Authorities Act, such as:
    • clarifying the Minister of Health’s authority and ability to oversee the strategic direction of the health system
    • clarifying the roles and responsibilities of the provincial health agencies (PHA)
    • enabling the transfer of staff from AHS to the new PHAs, while offering stability for the workforce, unions, and government as the health system refocus is implemented
    • removing outdated references to allow the transition to a unified, sector-specific provincial health system
    • changing the name of the Regional Health Authorities Act to the Provincial Health Agencies Act
  • includes amendments to consequential legislation and the Health Information Act to:
    • support the new health system refocus
    • help establish the Canadian Centre of Recovery Excellence

Next steps

The Health Statutes Amendment Act enables Recovery Alberta, the Mental Health and Addiction provincial health agency, to begin operating this summer. The primary care, acute care, and continuing care provincial health agencies will be established in fall 2024.
