Compensation information and disclosure for public agencies

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Compensation information and disclosure for public agencies


Providing a public service through participating on a public agency allows for compensation, however, it is optional and not mandatory unless prescribed in enabling legislation.

Four core compensation principles, which inform the remuneration of public agency members are identified below:

  • Public service: Compensation supports the recruitment and retention of members with required competencies, as well as required specialized experts.
  • Fairness and consistency: Compensation recognizes the principle of ‘equalpay for work of equal value’, and is competitive with comparable roles in the Alberta public sector and similar jurisdictions.
  • Transparency: Compensation policies and decisions related to remuneration for public agency members are clearly communicated and accessible to public agency members, employees and the public.
  • Fiscal prudence: Compensation decisions for public agency members areevidence-based, fiscally prudent and demonstrate accountability for the expenditure of public funds.

The Public Sector Compensation Transparency Act requires all public agencies to publicly disclose member compensation. This disclosure applies to:

Public sector bodies are required to disclose the compensation and severance paid to eligible employees and board members twice per year.

Disclosure for government employees

The Government of Alberta is also required to disclose salary and severance paid to its employees and senior officials (separate from Public Sector Body disclosure).