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Community Revitalization Levy Program

A planning and financial tool that helps municipalities revitalize areas where redevelopment might not otherwise take place.

Effective July 4, 2022, municipalities across Alberta can now submit applications for funding under the revamped Community Revitalization Levy Program.


The Community Revitalization Levy (CRL) program allows municipalities to borrow against future property tax revenues to help pay for infrastructure development required in a specific area. The levy is typically in place for 20 years, and no longer than 40 years.

Planned redevelopment can also address socio-economic and environmental issues typically found in blighted areas. As the area is revitalized, the larger tax base benefits all taxpayers.

New to the program

  • more transparency and accountability as the equivalent of education and municipal property taxes generated and reinvested in a CRL zone must be stated in the initiating municipal CRL bylaw
  • limits to the total property tax assessment base of a municipality included in all of its CRL zones, combined to a maximum of 3%
  • removes the requirement of ‘blight’ while continuing to exclude greenfields (previously undeveloped areas) from the CRL program

Read the Community Revitalization Levy Program fact sheet.

How to apply

A CRL application package should include the following:

  • cover letter, including council endorsement
  • executive summary of the CRL plan
  • draft CRL plan
  • map of CRL area, including a written description
  • list of all properties in the CRL area, including types of properties and assessed values

Read the CRL program guidelines for application details. Municipalities are encouraged to contact a program advisor before completing and submitting an application.

Send the completed application package by email to [email protected]

After you apply

We will evaluate the application package once you submit a formal application package. During this time, our staff may request clarification of application elements from the municipality contact.

Benefits of CRLs

By allowing municipalities to collect funds through a CRL, they can:

  • access additional funding for investing in municipal redevelopment and new infrastructure projects
  • clean up environmental damage in areas where development is needed
  • direct tax dollars to improve the economic viability of neighbourhoods
  • address affordable and social housing needs in an area
  • improve the livelihoods of area residents and address socio-economic issues
  • reduce urban sprawl through better land-use
  • increase safety for residents
  • improve infrastructure and environmental conditions through new building practices
  • create a larger tax base to support municipal services and the K to 12 education system

Existing programs

There are currently 6 areas in the province with CRLs in place:

  1. Calgary Rivers District CRL established in 2008 and concludes in 2047
  2. Edmonton Quarters Downtown CRL established in 2012 and concludes in 2031
  3. Edmonton Belvedere CRL established in 2013 and concludes in 2032
  4. Cochrane South-Central CRL established in 2013 and concludes in 2032
  5. Edmonton Capital City Downtown CRL established in 2015 and concludes in 2034
  6. Airdrie Downtown CRL established in 2023 and concludes in 2042


Connect with the CRL program:

Phone: 780-422-7125
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)
Email: [email protected]