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Community Adult Learning Program overview

The Community Adult learning program (CALP) helps Albertans with low literacy improve their lives.

Literacy is Important

1 in 5 adult Albertans face daily literacy and numeracy challenges.

See why it’s important for you or your family members to be able to read and write:

Almost half of working age (45%) Albertans do not have the literacy skills required to perform most jobs in today’s economy reliably and consistently. (Skills in Canada: First Results from the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) The case for literacy.)

About CALP

Government funds The Community Adult Learning Program (CALP) to support organizations that offer part-time, nonformal learning opportunities that are close to where you live.

CALP providers may be able to help you improve your:

  • literacy
  • numeracy
  • English language skills
  • basic digital skills
  • skills for learning

CALP offers safe and welcoming places to learn.

From 2021 to 2022, more than 13,000 people participated in over 97,000 hours of community adult learning programs throughout Alberta.

CALP providers

Learning opportunities are offered by about 80 organizations in different communities throughout Alberta.

Find a CALP provider near you.

Three granting councils also provide funding to organizations in their cities on behalf of government:


Connect with the Foundational Learning and Skills Development Unit:

Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Email: [email protected]