Carrier profiles and monitoring

Supports carriers' internal monitoring of on-road safety performance.

Impaired driving legislation changes

The Provincial Administrative Penalties Act was passed in July 2020 to create a new approach to enforcement for handling non-criminal traffic offences by taking them out of the courts.

  • Effective December 2020, the Roadside Sanction program keeps our roads safer by providing serious and immediate consequences for all impaired drivers. For more information, see:
  • Effective December 2020, administrative penalties for impaired driving issued roadside appear on the carrier profile as information.
  • Effective for June 2022 month-end carrier monitoring, administrative penalties issued for impaired driving charges are included in the Risk Factor (R-Factor) score.
    • Previous month-end data on risk factor scores and carrier monitoring are unchanged. 
    • Previously, administrative penalty data for impaired driving charges displayed as information only.

Risk factor score changes

As of May 1, 2024, the risk factor scoring process is refined to improve the precision of carrier monitoring to identify the 5% high-risk carriers operating in Alberta. Risk factor score refinements take effect for April 2024, month-end monitoring. The risk factor scoring changes ensure the department is able to identify and take intervention action with the highest risk carriers operating in Alberta. 

Risk factor score refinements include: 

  • greater precision in calculations of average fleet over a 12-month period, which aligns with the 12-month period for safety event data
  • changes in fleet groupings for more equitable distribution of carriers
  • failure rate is now displayed as CVSA inspection points per vehicle, and calculated based on the inspection results (for example: pass, requires attention, out of service) and the carrier’s average fleet

Carriers may find their risk factor score has changed from March 2024 to April 2024 month-end, as a result of the refinements. Changes in the risk factor score may impact carrier monitoring, and move the carrier on or off of monitoring, and/or move the carrier to a different stage of monitoring.


The Carrier Profile system was designed to identify higher risk carriers to provincial regulators and to assist carriers in internally monitoring their on-road safety performance.

National Safety Code (NSC) Standard 7 requires all Canadian jurisdictions to maintain a Carrier Profile on each of their NSC carriers. Each of these NSC carriers is also required to hold a Safety Fitness Certificate. In Alberta, this includes carriers that operate:

  • commercial vehicles registered for a weight of more than 4,500 kg that operate in multiple provinces, territories or states
  • commercial vehicles registered for a weight of 11,794 kg or more that operate solely within Alberta
  • commercial passenger vehicles with a seating capacity originally designed for 11 persons or more, including the driver

Carrier Profile System

We gather enforcement information from across North America related to carriers authorized to operate commercial vehicles. This information includes:

  • convictions against the carrier and its drivers
  • administrative penalties issued for impaired driving charges
  • Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) inspections
  • collision information
  • facility audit information

Alberta's Carrier Profile system is used to consolidate all information collected and can be used by provincial regulators to identify the 5% of carriers who pose the greatest safety risk to other highway users.

See the Risk Factor Score Refinement Bulletin for more information on the risk factor score calculations and carrier monitoring.

Fees for carrier profile

Effective January 2020 – Public and Carrier Profiles requested online are free of charge.

Request profile reports

You can request 2 types of profile reports in Alberta:

  • Carrier Profile
  • Public Profile

Carrier Profile

A standard Carrier Profile report includes 12 months of events involving NSC vehicles registered in the carrier's name and the persons driving those vehicles. Events include a detailed history of convictions, administrative penalties, CVSA inspections, reportable collisions and violations.

Effective for June 2022 month-end carrier monitoring, administrative penalties for impaired driving issued roadside are included in Risk Factor (R-Factor) score calculations. The point values and calculations applied to administrative penalties for impaired driving are effectively aligned with the approach taken for convictions.  Administrative penalty data including the contribution to R-Factor score is included on the carrier profile.

Read the following documents before requesting a Carrier Profile:

Effective March 2022, facility audit data appears on the carrier profile as information.

Request a Carrier Profile

This report can only be requested by the carrier, an authorized employee of the carrier, an authorized carrier representative, or enforcement personnel.

Public Profile

This report provides a detailed summary of conviction, collision, violation, CVSA inspection and monitoring information. Effective for June 2022 month-end carrier monitoring, administrative penalties for impaired driving issued roadside are included in Risk Factor score calculations. Administrative penalty data including the contribution to R-Factor score is included on the carrier profile.

The Public Profile report does not include detailed driver or personal information, such as personal information protected under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP).

Read the following documents before requesting a Public Profile:

Effective March 2022, facility audit data appears on the carrier profile as information.

Request a Public Profile

Any interested parties, such as carriers, consultants or insurance companies can request this report.


An account with Alberta Transportation Online Services is required to access your carrier profile or a public profile.

The ‘Carrier/Public Profile & Carrier Document Portal’ service must be added to your account service options. Only carrier representatives that hold a carrier account can gain access to retrieve their carrier profile. Public profile access can be granted for any individual or company.

As of September 2021, the majority of new account approvals are now automated based on system checks, with approvals taking 1-15 minutes to process, depending on the email service. Other account set-up or updates may take up to one business day to process.

For help with account set-up, updating account information, resetting passwords, or any technical issues, contact [email protected].

Profile data accuracy

All efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of Carrier Profile data. If you identify error(s), email [email protected] with all relevant, inaccurate information, such as document number, date, driver and vehicle information, and indicate error.