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Bird species at risk

Species-at-Risk reports available on bird species that live in Alberta.

Note: species status as presented within publications may have changed since the publication date. Current general and detailed status is listed for each species.

Birds – General

Species at Risk Program Reports

No.7 – Colonial Nesting Waterbird Survey in the Northwest Boreal Region - 2000

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 7, prepared by M.P. Hanneman and M.D. Heckbert

No.88 – Survey of Colonial Nesting Birds and Lakeshore Habitats in Northeast Alberta

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 88, prepared by C. Found and A. Hubbs

No. 115 – Bird Populations on the Shoreline of Buffalo Lake: Identification of Priority Areas for Conservation

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 115, prepared by D.R.C. Prescott and S.D. Stevens

Barred Owl

Scientific Name: Strix varia
General Status: Sensitive
Detailed Status: Species of Special Concern

Detailed Status Report

Status of the Barred Owl in Alberta

  • Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 56, prepared by B. Olsen

Management Plan

Barred Owl Conservation Management Plan 2016-2021

  • Alberta Species at Risk Conservation Management Plan No. 14, prepared by M. Russell

Species at Risk Program Reports

No. 91 – Distribution, Abundance and Habitat Selection of Northern Pygmy and Barred Owls Along the Eastern Slopes of the Alberta Rocky Mountains

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 91, prepared by M.D. Piorecky and D.R.C. Prescott

Bay-breasted Warbler

Scientific Name: Dendroica castanea
General Status: Sensitive
Detailed Status: In process

Detailed Status Report

Status of the Bay-breasted Warbler in Alberta

  • Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 32, prepared by M.R. Norton

Management Plan

A multi-species Conservation Management Plan that includes this species is available at:

  • Management Plan - Alberta Species at Risk Conservation Management Plan No. 10
  • See Alberta Species at Risk Conservation Management Plan No. 10: Black-Throated Green Warbler, Bay-Breasted Warbler and Cape May Warbler Conservation Management Plan 2014 - 2019.

Species at Risk Fact Sheet

Alberta’s Bay-breasted Warbler

Black-throated Green Warbler

Scientific Name: Dendroica virens
General Status: Sensitive
Detailed Status: Species of Special Concern

Detailed Status Report

Status of the Black-throated Green Warbler in Alberta

  • Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 23, prepared by M.R. Norton

Management Plan

Management Plan - Alberta Species at Risk Conservation Management Plan No. 10

  • Alberta Species at Risk Conservation Management Plan No. 10, prepared by S. Hache and T. Hannah

Species at Risk Fact Sheet

Alberta’s Black-throated Green Warbler

Brown Creeper

Scientific Name: Certhia americana
General Status: Sensitive
Detailed Status: N/A

Status of the Brown Creeper in Alberta

  • Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 49, prepared by K. Hannah

Burrowing Owl

Scientific Name: Athene cunicularia
General Status: At Risk
Detailed Status: Endangered

Detailed Status Report

Status of the Burrowing Owl in Alberta

  • Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 11, 2005 update prepared by D. Todd

Archived Detailed Status Report

Status of the Burrowing Owl in Alberta – ED2006-05

  • Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 11, prepared by T.I. Wellicome

Recovery Plan

Recovery Plan for Burrowing Owl in Alberta – ED2006-05

  • Alberta Species at Risk Recovery Plan No. 21, prepared by the Alberta Burrowing Owl Recovery Team

    For more information about this recovery plan, contact:

Recovery Action Summary

Burrowing Owl Recovery Action Summary 2013 - 2014

  • Alberta Species at Risk 2013 – 2014 Recovery Action Summary

Species at Risk Program Reports

No. 8 – Burrowing Owl Trend Block Survey and Monitoring – Brooks and Hanna Areas – ED2006-05

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 8, prepared by D. Scobie and R. Russell

No.51 – 2001 Burrowing Owl Trend Block Survey and Monitoring – Brooks and Hanna Areas

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 51, prepared by D. Scobie

No.54 – Utilization of a Roadside Survey Technique to Survey Burrowing Owls in Southeastern Alberta

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 54, prepared by J. Nicholson and C. Skiftun

No.58 – 2002 Burrowing Owl Trend Block Survey and Monitoring Brooks Area

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 58, prepared by R.F. Russell

No.116 – Burrowing Owl Population Trends on the Kininvie Blocks from 1993 – 2007, and Ancillary Data for Additional Species at Risk in 2007

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 116, prepared by S.D. Stevens and A.W. Todd

No.130 – A Habitat Suitability Model for Burrowing Owls in Alberta: Methods and Applications

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 130, prepared by A.F. Joy Stevens, E.M. Bayne and T.I. Wellicome

No.168 – Situational Analysis and Jurisdictional Review for the Recovery of Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) in Alberta

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 168, prepared by Bear Tracks Environmental Services Ltd.

Related Information

Additional information for this species is available at:

Canada Warbler

Scientific Name: Cardellina canadensis
General Status: May be at risk
Detailed Status: N/A

Detailed Status Report

Status of the Canada Warbler in Alberta: Update 2022

  • Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 70, update prepared by J Gregoire

Archived Detailed Status Report

Status of the Canada Warbler in Alberta

  • Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 70, prepared by J.R. Ball and E.M. Bayne

Cape May Warbler

Scientific Name: Dendroica tigrina
General Status: Sensitive
Detailed Status: Species of Special Concern

Detailed Status Report

Status of the Cape May Warbler in Alberta

  • Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 33, prepared by M. Norton

Management Plan

A multi-species Conservation Management Plan that includes this species is available at:

  • Management Plan - Alberta Species at Risk Conservation Management Plan No. 10
  • See Alberta Species at Risk Conservation Management Plan No. 10: Black-Throated Green Warbler, Bay-Breasted Warbler and Cape May Warbler Conservation Management Plan 2014 - 2019.

Species at Risk Fact Sheet

Alberta’s Cape May Warbler

Chestnut-collared Longspur

Scientific Name: Calcarius ornatus
General Status: May be at risk
Detailed Status: N/A

Detailed Status Report

Status of the Chestnut-collared Longspur in Alberta

  • Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 67, prepared by L.D. Cerney and K.L. Calon

Related Information

Additional information for this species is available at:

Ferruginous Hawk

Scientific Name: Buteo regalis
General Status: At Risk
Detailed Status: Endangered

Detailed Status Report

Status of the Ferruginous Hawk in Alberta

  • Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 18, 2006 update prepared by B. Downey

Archived Detailed Status Report

Status of the Ferruginous Hawk in Alberta

  • Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 18, prepared by J. Schmutz

Recovery Plan

Alberta Ferruginous Hawk Recovery Plan (2024)

  • Alberta Species at Risk Recovery Plan No. 41, prepared by the Alberta Ferruginous Hawk Recovery Team

    For more information about this recovery plan, contact:

Ferruginous hawk recovery plan summary of public response

Alberta Ferruginous Hawk Recovery Plan 2009-2014

2013-14 Recovery Action Summary – Ferruginous Hawk

  • Alberta Species at Risk Recovery Plan No. 17, prepared by the Alberta Ferruginous Hawk Recovery Team

    For more information about this recovery plan, contact:

Species at Risk Program Reports

No.52 – An Evaluation of the Ferruginous Hawk Population in Alberta Based on Recent Trend Data

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 52, prepared by D.P. Stepnisky, G.L. Erickson, J. Iwaasa and B. Taylor

No.70 – Population Estimates and a Survey Protocol for Ferruginous Hawks in Alberta

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 70, prepared by B.N. Taylor

No.101 – The 2005 Ferruginous Hawk Inventory and Population Analysis

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 101, prepared by B.L. Downey

No.139 – The 2010 Ferruginous Hawk Inventory and Population Analysis

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 139, prepared by A.J. Moltzahn

No.140 – Ferruginous Hawk Artificial Nest Poles: Inventory and Construction Protocol

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 140, prepared by A. Migaj, C. Kemper and B. Downey

No.155 – The 2015 Ferruginous Hawk (Buteo regalis) Inventory and Population Analysis

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 155, prepared by M.E. Redman

Species at Risk Implementation Reports

Species at risk survey report: ferruginous hawk inventory 2022

Related Information

Additional information for this species is available at:

Greater Sage Grouse

Scientific Name: Centrocercus urophasianus
General Status: At Risk
Detailed Status: Endangered

Detailed Status Report

Status of the Sage Grouse in Alberta

  • Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 13, prepared by C.L. Aldridge

Recovery Plan and Summaries

Alberta Greater Sage-Grouse Recovery Plan 2013-2018

  • Alberta Species at Risk Recovery Plan No. 30, prepared by Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development

    For more information, contact:

Species at Risk 2012-13 Recovery Action Summary: Greater Sage-Grouse

Species at Risk Fact Sheet

Sage Grouse

Species at Risk Program Reports

No.19 – Assessing Chick Survival of Sage-Grouse in Canada: Final Project Report for 2000

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 19, prepared by C.L. Aldridge

No.56 – Developing a Habitat-based Population Viability Model for Greater Sage-Grouse in Southeastern Alberta

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 56, prepared by C.L. Aldridge

No.147 – Greater Sage-Grouse Monitoring in Southeast Alberta: 1968-2012

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 147, prepared by K. Balderson, D. Eslinger and J. Nicholson

No.149 – Greater Sage-Grouse Avian Predator Survey

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 149, prepared by R. Quinlan

No.154 – Translocation of Greater Sage-Grouse from Montana to Alberta: 2011-2013 progress report

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 154, prepared by T. Whiklo and J. Nicholson

Species at Risk Implementation Reports

Related Information

Additional information for this species is available at:

Harlequin Duck

Scientific Name: Histrionicus histrionicus
General Status: Sensitive
Detailed Status: Species of Species Concern

Detailed Status Report

Status of the Harlequin Duck in Alberta

  • Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 36, prepared by B. MacCallum

Management Plan

Harlequin Duck Conservation Management Plan 2010-2015

  • Alberta Species at Risk Conservation Management Plan No. 4, prepared by J. Kneteman, D. Vujnovic and L. Wilkinson

Species at Risk Fact Sheet

Alberta’s Harlequin Duck

Species at Risk Program Reports

No.11 – Harlequin Duck Monitoring in the Northern East Slopes of Alberta: 1998-2000 Preliminary Results

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 11, prepared by J. Kneteman and A. Hubbs

No.15 – Harlequin Duck Research in Kananaskis Country in 2000

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 15, prepared by C.M. Smith

No.16 – Proposed Monitoring Plan for Harlequin Ducks in the Bow Region of Alberta

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 16, prepared by C.M. Smith

No.20 – Harlequin Duck Surveys of the Oldman River Basin in 2000

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 20, prepared by D. Paton

Related Information

Additional information for this species is available at:

Loggerhead Shrike

Scientific Name: Lanius ludovicianus
General Status: Sensitive
Detailed Status: Species of Special Concern

Detailed Status Report

Status of the Loggerhead Shrike in Alberta

  • Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 24, prepared by D.R.C. Prescott and R.R. Bjorge

Species at Risk Fact Sheet

Alberta’s Loggerhead Shrike

Species at Risk Program Reports

No.46 – Survey of the Loggerhead Shrike in the Southern Aspen Parkland Region, 2000-2001

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 46, prepared by H. Kiliaan and D.R.C. Prescott

No.67 – The Use of Call Playbacks for Censusing Loggerhead Shrikes in Southern Alberta

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 67, prepared by D.R.C. Prescott

No.93 – The 2003 Loggerhead Shrike Survey in Alberta

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 93, prepared by D.R.C. Prescott

No.127 – The 2008 Loggerhead Shrike Survey in Alberta

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 127, prepared by D.R.C. Prescott

No.151 – The 2013 Loggerhead Shrike Survey in Alberta

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 151, prepared by D.R.C. Prescott

Species at Risk Implementation Reports

Species at risk survey report: loggerhead shrike survey 2019

Related Information

Additional information for this species is available at:

Long-billed Curlew

Scientific Name: Numenius americanus
General Status: May be at risk
Detailed Status: Species of Special Concern

Detailed Status Report

Status of the Long-billed Curlew in Alberta

  • Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 16, prepared by D.P. Hill

Management Plan

Long-billed Curlew Conservation Management Plan – 2017 Update

  • Alberta Species at Risk Conservation Management Plan No. 3, prepared by B. Downey

Species at Risk Fact Sheet

Alberta’s Long-billed Curlew

Species at Risk Program Reports

No.25 – Population Estimate and Habitat Associations of the Long-billed Curlew in Alberta

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 25, prepared by E.J. Saunders

Related Information

Additional information for this species is available at:

Mountain Plover

Scientific Name: Charadrius montanus
General Status: At Risk
Detailed Status: Endangered

Detailed Status Report

Status of the Mountain Plover in Alberta

  • Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 50, prepared by K. Hannah

Species at Risk Program Reports

No.37 – Mountain Plover Habitat and Population Surveys in Alberta, 2001

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 37, prepared by C. Wershler and C. Wallis

Northern Pygmy Owl

Scientific Name: Glaucidium gnoma
General Status: Sensitive
Detailed Status: N/A

Detailed Status Report

Status of the Northern Pygmy Owl in Alberta

  • Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 20, prepared by K.C. Hannah

Species at Risk Program Reports

No. 91 – Distribution, Abundance and Habitat Selection of Northern Pygmy and Barred Owls Along the Eastern Slopes of the Alberta Rocky Mountains

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 91, prepared by M.D. Piorecky and D.R.C. Prescott

Peregrine Falcon

Scientific Name: Falco peregrinus
General Status: At Risk
Detailed Status: Threatened

Detailed Status Report

Status of the Peregrine Falcon in Alberta

  • Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 8, prepared by P. Rowell and D.P. Stepnisky

Recovery Plan and Action Summary

Peregrine falcon recovery plan : public comment response summary

Alberta Peregrine Falcon Recovery Plan

  • Alberta Species at Risk Recovery Plan No. 38, prepared by the Alberta Peregrine Falcon Recovery Team

    For more information about this recovery plan, contact:
    • Gordon Court, Provincial Resource Assessment Specialist, Non-game and Wildlife Disease

Species at Risk 2012-13 Recovery Action Summary: Peregrine Falcon

Species at Risk Fact Sheet

Peregrine Falcon

Species at Risk Program Reports

No.2 – Survey of the Peregrine Falcon in Alberta

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 2, prepared by R. Corrigan

No.34 – Peregrine Falcon Surveys and Monitoring in the Parkland Region of Alberta, 2001

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 34, prepared by R. Corrigan

No.57 – Peregrine Falcon Surveys and Monitoring in the Northeast Boreal Region of Alberta, 2001

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 57, prepared by R. Corrigan

Species at Risk Implementation Report

Species at risk survey report: peregrine falcon provincial inventory 2022

Related Information

Additional information for this species is available at:

Piping Plover

Scientific Name: Charadrius melodus
General Status: At Risk
Detailed Status: Endangered

Detailed Status Report

Status of the Piping Plover in Alberta

  • Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 1, prepared by D.R.C. Prescott

Recovery Plan

Alberta Piping Plover Recovery Plan 2010-2020

  • Alberta Species at Risk Recovery Plan No. 18, prepared by the Alberta Piping Plover Recovery Team

    For more information about this recovery plan, contact:

Species at Risk Fact Sheet

Alberta’s Piping Plover

Species at Risk Program Reports

No.26 – Aerial Reconnaissance Surveys for Piping Plover Habitat in East-Central Alberta, May 2001

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 26, prepared by D.R.C. Prescott

No.27 – The 2001 International Piping Plover Census in Alberta

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 27, prepared by D.R.C. Prescott

No.84 – Methods for Controlling Depredation on Piping Plovers in Alberta: A Literature Review and Synthesis

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 84, prepared by R. Schmelzeisen, D.R.C. Prescott and L. Engley

No.99 – Implementation of the Alberta Piping Plover Recovery Plan, 2002-2004: Final Program Report

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 99, prepared by Alberta Piping Plover Recovery Team

No.129 – Implementation of the Alberta Piping Plover Recovery Plan, 2005-2010: Final Program Report

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 129, prepared by D.R.C. Prescott, L.C. Engley and D. Sturgess

Prairie Falcon

Scientific Name: Falco mexicanus
General Status: Sensitive
Detailed Status: Species of Special Concern

Detailed Status Report

Status of the Prairie Falcon in Alberta (Update 2018)

  • Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 42, 2018 update, prepared by A. Anctil, H. Johansen and E. Hedlin

Archived Detailed Status Report

Status of the Prairie Falcon in Alberta

  • Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 42, prepared by D. Paton

Management Plan

Prairie Falcon Conservation Management Plan 2012-2017

  • Alberta Species at Risk Conservation Management Plan No. 9, prepared by D. Paton

Related Information

Additional information for this species is available at:

Sage Thrasher

Scientific Name: Oreoscoptes montanus
General Status: Undetermined
Detailed Status: Data Deficient

Detailed Status Report

Status of the Sage Thrasher in Alberta

  • Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 53, prepared by F. Blouin

Short-eared Owl

Scientific Name: Asio flammeus
General Status: May Be At Risk
Detailed Status: N/A

Detailed Status Report

Status of the Short-eared Owl in Alberta

  • Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 28, prepared by K.M. Clayton

Sprague’s Pipit

Scientific Name: Anthus spragueii
General Status: Sensitive
Detailed Status: Species of Special Concern

Detailed Status Report

Status of the Sprague’s Pipit in Alberta

  • Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 10, prepared by D.R.C. Prescott

Management Plan

Sprague’s Pipit Conservation Management Plan – 2017 Update

  • Alberta Species at Risk Conservation Management Plan No. 2, prepared by D. Prescott

Species at Risk Fact Sheet

Sprague’s Pipit

Related Information

Additional information for this species is available at:

Thick-billed Longspur

Former common Name: McCown's Longspur
Scientific Name: Rhynchophanes mccownii
General Status: May Be At Risk

Detailed Status Report

Status of the Thick-billed Longspur in Alberta

  • Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 72, prepared by D. Hill, L. Gould and R. Kelly

Related Information

Additional information for this species is available at:

Trumpeter Swan

Scientific Name: Cygnus buccinator
General Status: Sensitive
Detailed Status: Species of Special Concern

Detailed Status Report

Status of the Trumpeter Swan in Alberta (Update 2013)

  • Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 26 (Update 2013), prepared by P.A. Smith

Archived Detailed Status Report

Status of the Trumpeter Swan in Alberta

  • Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 26, prepared by M. L. James

Recovery Plan and Summaries

Alberta Trumpeter Swan Recovery Plan 2012-2017

Species at Risk Fact Sheet

Alberta’s Trumpeter Swan

Species at Risk Program Reports

No.5 – 2000 Survey of the Trumpeter Swan in Alberta

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 5, prepared by M. L. James and A. James

No.133 – 2008 Survey of Trumpeter Swans in the Lesser Slave Area, Alberta

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 133, prepared by A.J. Fontaine and M.D. Heckbert

Species at Risk Implementation Reports

Species at risk survey report : trumpeter swan roadside survey

Related Information

Turkey Vulture

Scientific Name: Cathartes aura
General Status: Secure
Detailed Status: N/A

Species at Risk Program Reports

No.124 – Turkey Vultures: A Photographic Guide for Aging Nestlings

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 124, prepared by R.W. Nelson, D. Moore, F. Kunnas and R. Morse

Western Grebe

Scientific Name: Aechmophorus occidentalis
General Status: At Risk
Detailed Status: Threatened

Detailed Status Report

Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 60 (Update 2012), prepared by M. Erickson

  • Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 60, prepared by M. Erickson

Archived Detailed Status Report

Status of the Western Grebe in Alberta

  • Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 60, prepared by J. Yanch

Species at Risk Program Reports

No.41 – Western and Eared Grebes of Central Alberta: Inventory, Survey Techniques and Management Concerns

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 41, prepared by S. Hanus, H. Wollis and L. Wilkinson

No.60 – Western and Eared Grebes of Central Alberta: 2002 Field Summary

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 60, prepared by S. Hanus, L. Wilkinson and H. Wollis

No.94 – Western and Eared Grebes of Central Alberta: 2004 Field Summary

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 94, prepared by G. Berg, L. Wilkinson, H. Wollis and D. Prescott

No.121 – Western Grebes in Alberta: 2006 Field Summary

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 121, prepared by C. Kemper, H. Wollis, C. Found, D. Prescott and M. Heckbert

No.138 – Population Study of Western Grebes in Alberta 2001-2009: Implications for management and Status Designation

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 138, prepared by H. Wollis and C. Stratmoen

No.160 – Distribution and Abundance of the Western Grebe (Aechmophorus occidentalis) in Alberta: An Update

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 160, prepared by D.R.C. Prescott, J. Unruh, S. Morris-Yasinski and M. Wells

Recovery Plan

Western grebe recovery plan: summary of public response

Alberta Western Grebe Recovery Plan

  • Alberta Western Grebe Recovery Plan No. 40, prepared by Alberta Environment and Parks

Species at Risk Implementation Reports

Species at risk survey report : western grebe populations at Buffalo and Gull lakes 2023

Related Information

Additional information for this species is available at:

White-winged Scoter

Scientific Name: Melanitta fusca
General Status: Sensitive
Detailed Status: Species of Special Concern

Detailed Status Report

Status of the White-winged Scoter in Alberta

  • Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 45, prepared by P. Kehoe

Management Plan

White-winged Scoter Conservation Management Plan

  • Alberta Species at Risk Conservation Management Plan No. 7, prepared by L. Wilkinson

Whooping Crane

Scientific Name: Grus americana
General Status: At Risk
Detailed Status: Endangered

Detailed Status Report

Status of the Whooping Crane in Alberta

  • Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 34, prepared by J.L. White

Species at Risk Fact Sheet

Alberta’s Whooping Crane

Willow Flycatcher

Scientific Name: Empidonax traillii
General Status: Secure
Detailed Status: N/A

Detailed Status Report

Status of the Willow Flycatcher in Alberta

  • Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 29, prepared by B. Kulba and W.B. McGillivray

Species at Risk Program Reports

No.146 – Willow Flycatcher in Alberta:Habitat Model and Field Surveys

  • Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 146, prepared by D.R.C. Prescott, S.D. Stevens and A. Sommerville
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