Update on Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in Alberta
During the spring months, migration of wild birds and warmer weather increases the risk to poultry. More information on Alberta's situation.
Poultry shows, swaps and auctions also present a risk for spread of avian influenza. It is recommended to avoid holding or attending these events with birds, but if you decide to do so, review Biosecurity for Poultry at Shows, Swaps and Auctions.
There is an extremely low risk to human health and no risk to food safety. While some strains have the potential to infect humans, previous cases of avian influenza in people have involved close contact with infected birds or heavily contaminated environments.
There is no effective vaccine or cure for this disease, although vaccine options are being investigated. Biosecurity is essential for protecting your flocks and preventing the disease’s spread. More information on reducing the risk of HPAI can be found at Avian influenza in domestic birds.
HPAI is a reportable disease, so if you suspect or confirm a case in your flock, you must report it to:
- the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)
Phone: 403-338-5225
Email: [email protected] - or the Office of the Chief Provincial Veterinarian.
If you have concerns about sick or dead wild birds, call 310-0000 or your local Fish and Wildlife Office.
The CFIA is leading the investigation and response.
General – COVID-19 Information for consumers on food and animal health (CFIA)
Meat slaughter and processing – COVID-19 guidance (CFIA)
Veterinary care for animals: COVID-19 (ABVMA)
COVID-19 Questions and answers (WOAH)
Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Canadian Cattlemen’s Association (CCA)
The CFIA is a public service primarily responsible for protecting and promoting Canada’s animal, plant and food industries. The CFIA, CCA and the provincial cattle organizations, in consultation with beef cattle producers, have developed the Canadian Beef Cattle On-Farm Biosecurity Standard. The Standard was designed specifically for the Canadian beef cattle industry and is applicable to operations of all types and sizes.
Livestock Identification Services Ltd. (LIS)
LIS is an industry owned not-for-profit company that has been delegated to administer the Livestock Identification and Commerce Act (LICA).
Alberta Veterinary Medical Association (ABMVA) and Alberta Beef Producers
The ABMVA and AB Beef Producers developed a biosecurity information brochure for the beef industry. The Effective Biosecurity for Cattle Producers brochure highlights that effective biosecurity programs are based on risk assessments done with the herd veterinarian and limit the impact of disease.
Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Canadian Cervid Alliance (CCA)
The CCA and CFIA, with support from Growing Forward 2, developed the National Cervid Farm-Level Biosecurity Standard. The Standard supports a nationally consistent approach to managing infectious diseases in the cervid industry. It provides guidelines and recommendations to assist cervid producers in minimizing infectious disease risks and in developing farm-specific biosecurity plans. It is a resource to create awareness, to educate, to provide a common understanding of biosecurity practices and to serve as a guide for continuous industry improvement.
Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Dairy Farmers of Canada
The CFIA in collaboration with the Dairy Farmers of Canada developed Biosecurity for Canadian Dairy Farms: National Standard. This standard lays out a set of risk management practices that are intended to address infectious diseases on all types and sizes of dairy production operations in Canada. It lists a set of principles and strategies that should be considered whenever possible by owners, managers, and farm workers when developing a farm-specific biosecurity plan.
The CFIA has also developed general biosecurity guidelines for dairy herds.
Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Canadian National Goat Federation (CNGF)
The CFIA and CNGF with support from Growing Forward developed the National Farm-Level Biosecurity Standard for the Goat Industry. The Standard identifies areas of the farm or farm practices for producers to consider when developing biosecurity plans for their goat operations. Identifying the possible risks of the introduction of infectious agents to the farm and the practical methods to limiting those risks is key to creating a biosecurity plan.
Alberta Veterinary Medical Association (ABVMA) and Alberta Goat Breeders Association (AGBA)
The ABVMA and AGBA have developed the Biosecurity Best Practices Pocket Guide for Alberta Goat Breeders. Topics contained in this pocket guide include how to conduct disease risk assessments and implement risk management strategies. It also presents a summary of key practical recommendations for effective biosecurity programs.
Honey Bee
CFIA, Canadian Honey Council (CHC) and Canadian Association of Professional Apiculturists (CAPA)
The CFIA, CHC and CAPA, in partnership with provincial apiarist and with the support of Growing Forward, developed the National Bee Farm-Level Biosecurity Standard. The National Standard has been developed as a tool for all people and businesses handling and keeping bees, including honey bees, alfalfa leafcutting bees, and bumblebees. For each sector, a producer guide provides detailed information on how to meet target outcomes described in the National Standard.
Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)
The CFIA and Equine Canada with support from Growing Forward 2 developed the National Farm and Facility Level Biosecurity Standard for the Equine Sector. The Standard contains guidelines and recommendations to benefit horse owners and custodians in protecting their horses from contagious diseases. The Standard identifies “what” biosecurity objectives should be achieved and “why” they are important.
Alberta Equestrian Federation (AEF)
The AEF has developed a biosecurity resource page that is divided into animal health management practices and reducing exposure risk, it also includes links to other equine biosecurity resources.
University of Guelph, Equine Guelph
Equine Guelph is the Centre at the University of Guelph (not-for-profit) serving the horse and its industry through education, research, healthcare promotion and industry development. The centre has developed the fact sheet, Biosecurity for Horse Owners.
Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation
The department posts resources and information on best husbandry practices, regulations, and disease prevention tips for backyard and urban chicken owners. This includes the fact sheet, Avian influenza and small-flock poultry.
Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)
The CFIA developed the National Avian On-Farm Biosecurity Standard as a tool for all people and businesses handling and keeping poultry, including large-scale supply-managed producers, backyard flock owners and other domestic bird keepers. The Standard forms the basis of a comprehensive voluntary program designed to provide guidance for owners or managers in all the poultry sectors in Canada. The CFIA has developed a number of resources on avian diseases, sources of avian diseases and biosecurity principles for avian producers and backyard flock owners.
Alberta Veterinary Medical Association (ABVMA) and Alberta Chicken Producers (ACP)
The ABVMA and ACP have developed a Biosecurity brochure and Biosecurity poster for the broiler industry reminding chicken producers that “What’s inside stays in, what’s outside stays out”.
The ABVMA and the AB Hatching Egg Producers have developed a Biosecurity: Beyond the Basics fact sheet emphasizing how enhanced biosecurity protocols become necessary when a disease threat is identified.
The ABVMA, North Central Alberta Poultry Association, and Canadian Heritage Breeds have developed the biosecurity brochure: Keeping Small Flocks Healthy. The brochure highlights the importance of completing a disease risk assessment and provides practical practices for a balanced biosecurity program.
University of Alberta, Poultry Research Centre
The University of Alberta strives to advance the poultry industry through research and education. They have produced a series of videos that describe the principles of poultry biosecurity.
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA)
OMAFRA provides information resources for commercial poultry producers on some major poultry infectious diseases, sources of infections as well as some major components of a successful biosecurity program.
British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture
The BC Ministry of Agriculture produced the BC Poultry Biosecurity Reference Guide as an information resource to assist poultry producers in developing biosecurity plans for their farming operations. The guide includes information on legislative requirements, details about biosecurity practices, a glossary of terms and sources for further information.
The Small Flock Poultry Health Manual produced by the BC Ministry of Agriculture provides a general description of management and health for keeping poultry, especially for small producers and hobby flock owners. The manual covers all elements of poultry production including housing and management, basics of poultry diseases, disease prevention and control, and food safety.
Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Canadian Sheep Federation (CSF)
The CFIA and CSF with support from Growing Forward developed the National Sheep On-Farm Biosecurity Standard. The Standard provides the framework and scope for biosecurity planning in the sheep sector in Canada by establishing a minimum set of biosecurity standards that can be used by sheep producers in all producing regions. It is intended to assist sheep producers in developing biosecurity plans for their specific farm operations, to serve as a guide for continuous improvement, and to encourage a higher level of care.
Alberta Veterinary Medical Association (ABVMA) and Alberta Lamb Producers
The ABVMA and AB Lamb Producers produced Biosecurity Principles and Best Practices for Alberta Lamb Producers. This guide was developed specifically for sheep producers and livestock operators in AB to help support their efforts to increase the safety and security of their sheep flocks and their families. The booklet is a valuable resource to educate producers of the importance, principles and practices of disease prevention and control specific to the lambing industry.
Alberta Pork provides information and resources on farm biosecurity.
Canadian Swine Health Board (CSHB)
The CSHB has developed biosecurity and best management practices for the Canadian hog industry: National Swine Farm-Level Biosecurity Standard.
A national voice for hog producers in Canada, this organization is a federation of provincial pork industry associations. The CPC posts biosecurity resources including basic on-farm biosecurity principles and guidance on disinfecting clothing, footwear and other items.
Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)
The CFIA has developed biosecurity principles for swine producers.
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA)
OMAFRA is responsible for the food, agriculture and rural sectors of the Canadian province of Ontario. The OMAFRA has developed a biosecurity checklist that may be used to assess the strength of a particular producer's biosecurity program.
World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH)
The WOAH has published Good Practices for Biosecurity in the Pig Sector. This guide covers issues and options in developing and transition countries.
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