File an Application by Notice of Motion for an order, decision or determination of the Tribunal (Expropriation Act Rules of Procedure and Practice).
Other applications that require a decision or order from the Tribunal may commence by filing an Application by Notice of Motion.
Examples of these applications include requests for the Tribunal to:
- determine a proposed payment
- determine costs where compensation has been settled
- direct that compensation be paid into Court
- terminate an interest acquired
After filing an Application for Determination of Compensation (ADC) applications to deal with other matters must be initiated by filing an Application by Notice of Motion.
Some examples include:
- interim applications
- applications to decide procedural issues
- applications to decide items after the compensation hearing
Prior to filing a Notice of Motion, parties are encouraged to contact the Tribunal to schedule a Pre-Hearing Dispute Resolution Conference. Parties may discuss procedure, define issues, and address any additional items.
At all times, the Tribunal encourages discussing the content and logistics of the Notice of Motion with the opposing party.
If the matter is not resolved at the Pre-Hearing Dispute Resolution Conference, a hearing may be scheduled. The hearing may be conducted in person or through written submissions.
Filing a Notice of Motion
The requirements for a Notice of Motion are outlined in the Expropriation Act Rules of Procedure and Practice.
Parties must file a Notice of Motion with the Board that clearly outlines the disputed issues and the remedies the applicant is seeking.
A Notice of Motion does not have a specific legislated format, but it should include the:
- related ADC file number (if applicable)
- full names of the applicant(s) and the respondent(s)
- description of the issues to be decided
- relief requested
- legal basis for the request, including legislative references and any specific case law
- proposed deadlines agreed to by the parties for filing evidence and submissions
During the hearing
Notice of Motion hearings usually take place in person or may be conducted by written submissions.
The Panel conducting a Notice of Motion hearing has discretion on how the hearing is conducted and may make any direction necessary to ensure the hearing proceeds fairly.
Notice of Motion hearings that do not include oral testimony usually proceed as follows:
- the party bringing the Notice of Motion (Applicant) presents its evidence and arguments
- the party responding (Respondent) asks questions of the Applicant
- the Panel asks questions of the Applicant
- the Respondent presents its evidence and arguments
- the Applicant asks questions of the Respondent
- the Panel asks questions of the Respondent
- the Applicant presents its rebuttal evidence and argument, if any
- the Respondent and Panel ask questions of the Applicant, if necessary
When a Notice of Motion hearing includes witnesses, the common procedure is similar to that of a full compensation hearing.
The Tribunal issues its decision in the form of a written order to the parties.
Connect with the Land and Property Rights Tribunal:
Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (closed 12 pm to 1 pm, open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-427-2444
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)
Fax: 780-427-0986
Email: [email protected]
Land and Property Rights Tribunal
2nd Floor, Summerside Business Centre
1229 91 Street SW
Edmonton, Alberta T6X 1E9