Location: Airdrie, Alberta
"Only a life lived for others is worth living."
The truth in the words of Albert Einstein are evident in the life of Airdrie's Dirk Bannister, whose 57 years of service to his community truly demonstrates a life well lived.
In 2021, Dirk celebrated 50 years of dedicated service with Kiwanis International. In those years Dirk was a familiar face at Kamp Kiwanis near Calgary helping change the world for one underprivileged or disadvantaged child at a time. Dirk shared that same spirit of giving as one of the drivers of the annual Christmas Gift Project, an assignment he relished for more than 30 years.
From building playgrounds in the inner city and providing books for those in need to volunteering at the local Women's Shelter and Calgary Drop-in Centre and helping generations of aspiring performers to share their talents at the Calgary Kiwanis Festival, Dirk's volunteerism is long and varied. His contributions over the years in support of the event are paying even greater dividends today as the Kiwanis festival has grown to become the Calgary Performing Arts Festival.
With over 57 years of volunteerism to draw from, Dirk has not only inspired others to step up as volunteers but has helped to build the organizations they will continue to serve. Dirk was instrumental in establishing new Kiwanis Clubs in Camrose, Airdrie and Cochrane and contributed his wealth of knowledge and experience to numerous organizations, among them Volunteer Airdrie Society, North Rocky View Community Links, Sober Friends Society, Over 50 Club, and Soap for Hope.
Dirk has lived by the words he has often shared with others: "Volunteering is the rent we pay for being a part of a privileged society in this best country in the world."
To Dirk Bannister, a worthy recipient of Northern Lights Volunteer Recognition honours:
Well done, good and faithful servant.