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Northern Lights recipient – Carmen Pelletier

On February 17, she was recognized for making care packages for seniors, families and teachers.

Portrait of Northern Lights recipient Carmen Pelletier

Location: Vulcan, Alberta

For Vulcan resident Carmen Pelletier, stepping up to help someone in need of a helping a hand or a bit of encouragement, is just the logical thing to do.

Carmen takes the well-being of her community to heart, and when she recognized how the COVID-19 pandemic was impacting her friends and neighbours in the southern Alberta farming community, she sprang into action. Carmen began gathering items to create kits with shampoo, magazines, board games and bird house kits for housebound seniors and families. Recognizing the extra strain placed on teachers attempting to conduct classes in an online environment, Carmen also provided care packages containing such handy items as lozenges and tea packaged along with gratitude notes and words of encouragement.

Always ready to go that extra mile to bring a smile to those in her community, Carmen is exploring new frontiers of friendship and compassion.

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