Location: Fort McMurray, Alberta
The transition from junior high to high school can prove daunting, but for Fort McMurray’s Westwood Community High School’s newest students that transition is made easier thanks to Aska Undhad.
With her caring nature and a desire to help fellow students succeed, Aska is the go-to for teachers looking for candidates to serve as mentors for incoming students. She has taken that support to the next level, joining with her peers to create Advocate 2 Educate, a program to ensure students have access to the essential tools to help in their learning. As co-president of the group, Aska reached out to other schools to solicit for donations, helping to raise close to $4,000 in materials and funding.
Her own willingness to learn has led to Aska lending her support to numerous groups beyond the high school campus, including Fort McMurray’s Mayor’s Advisory Committee on Youth and the Minister’s Youth Council of Alberta Education. She has also taken an active role in sharing her cultural heritage through her work with the Sanatan Mandir Cultural Society.
For helping fellow students to achieve success on their educational journey and for giving voice to Fort McMurray’s youth, Aska Undhad is a worthy recipient of Northern Lights Volunteer Recognition honours.
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