The Alberta 2030: Building Skills for Jobs initiative builds a common vision and direction for our higher education system to ensure it’s responsive to the needs of students, industry and our labour market, now and into the future.
We developed the strategy in cooperation with students, faculty, industry and employers, post-secondary institutions and other learning providers, and have sought feedback from all Albertans.
Together, we will transform post-secondary education with a strategy that:
- ensures students have skills and education to solve emerging problems and adapt to changing demands and opportunities
- increases access to post-secondary education and encourages a wider range of potential learners to participate
- increases the level of collaboration between institutions, giving students more options to transfer credit
- strengthens relationships between employers and post-secondary institutions to help guide educational programming and work placement opportunities
- improves governance and financial sustainability for the system
- empowers institutions to become more entrepreneurial and seek new sources of revenue
Learn more about the Alberta 2030 strategy.
Who is listening
Ministry of Advanced Education
Stakeholder engagement journey
Active engagements
This engagement is complete, thank you to all those who participated.
Input received
Stakeholder engagement included:
- 115+ interviews and follow-ups with key stakeholders
- 31 roundtables with various stakeholder groups
- 10 meetings with a Guiding Coalition
- Online public, student and employer surveys, including a detailed workbook
- 5,693 survey responses
- 201 workbook submissions
- 6 telephone town halls, organized by stakeholder group, with 1,491 attendees
- 35+ stakeholder submissions
Together, we are building a strong, effective strategy for Alberta’s post-secondary system that will help our province succeed in the next decade and beyond. The Alberta 2030 review will:
- produce a diagnostic that assesses:
- global models and trends in post-secondary education
- Alberta’s existing post-secondary model and governance
- individual institutions
- Alberta's post-secondary learning system strengths and opportunities for improvement
- develop Alberta 2030: Building Skills for Jobs: a 10-year strategy for post-secondary education
- begin implementing priority initiatives
Alberta 2030 guiding coalition
A guiding coalition has been established to oversee the Alberta 2030 initiative and help ensure the process remains focused on key priorities.
Membership includes:
- Jonathan Bilodeau, executive director, Alberta Students’ Executive Council
- Dr. Ian Brodie, professor of political science, University of Calgary
- Dave Collyer, chair, Bow Valley College Board of Governors
- Sir John Daniel, chancellor, Acsenda School of Management (Vancouver)
- Ken Heather, vice president external, Alberta Colleges and Institutes Faculties Association
- Whitney Issik, MLA for Calgary-Glenmore
- Kevin Kane, president, Confederation of Alberta Faculty Associations
- Laura Kilcrease, CEO, Alberta Innovates
- Adam Legge, president, Business Council of Alberta
- Rowan Ley, chair, Council of Alberta University Students
- Ruby Littlechild, Indigenous and community engagement, SNC-Lavalin
- Omer Moghrabi, Mayor, Lac La Biche County
- Mary Moran, president and CEO, Calgary Economic Development
- Dr. Robert W. Murray, president and CEO, Grande Prairie Regional College
- Terry O’Flynn, president, Prism Flow Products and chair, Alberta Enterprise Group
- Dr. Tim Rahilly, president and vice-chancellor, Mount Royal University
- Dr. Val Walker, CEO, Business + Higher Education Roundtable
Message from the minister
- Launching Alberta 2030: Building Skills for Jobs (Aug. 7, 2020)
- Transforming Alberta’s post-secondary system (Jun. 12, 2020)
- Post-secondary review will guide long-term strategy (Feb. 21, 2020)