AgriProfit$ – Beekeeping cost of production economics

Participating beekeepers submit their farm data to this program for free analysis and benchmark reports.


The AgriProfit$ program provides services for farm business managers that help them make better business management decisions.

Taking place every 3 to four 4 years, the AgriProfit$ beekeeping program provides participating Alberta producers with:

  • cost and returns reports on their beekeeping operation
  • a provincial report that details the cost and returns for honey production, pollination and bee sales


Beekeeping is a vital component of the agricultural industry in Alberta. Costs and returns for beekeeping in Alberta have been monitored since the early 1970s. These studies are an important tool for assisting producers in their business decisions. They can also be used for program evaluation and policy development for the beekeeping industry in Alberta.

The Economics of Beekeeping in Alberta report provides details on the costs and returns of various beekeeping enterprise activities. The objectives of the study are:

  1. To determine production costs and returns associated with beekeeping in Alberta.
  2. To establish physical input/output relationships for beekeeping in Alberta.
  3. To provide each study participant with a detailed analysis of his/her beekeeping operation and opportunity to compare the operation with the group averages.
  4. To observe regional differences in costs and returns for beekeeping operations across the province.
  5. To document how variation in size of operation affects net returns.
  6. To provide an up-to-date economic report on beekeeping in Alberta, to assist governments in developing programs and policies for this industry.

See current and past reports: Economics of Beekeeping in Alberta


Connect with the Economics Section:

Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)
Phone: 780-422-4054
Email: [email protected]

Join the program

Sign up to be part of the program – AgriProfit$ is always open to new participants.

Sign up online

Producer information is collected in strict confidence. Only aggregated, non-identifying information is published.