Workers’ compensation review

Albertans shared feedback on the workers’ compensation system to ensure it meets the needs of workers and employers.


The workers’ compensation system helps workers who become ill or injured on the job recover and return to work. Employers fund the system through premiums.

In the summer of 2020, we gathered feedback from Albertans to make sure the workers’ compensation system is efficient, affordable and sustainable while serving the needs of employers and workers.

Topics reviewed include:

  • benefits for workers
  • supports for return to work after an injury or illness
  • sustainability of the workers’ compensation system
  • enhancements of workers’ compensation processes
  • governance requirements


  • Open

    July 9 to August 14, 2020

  • Results under review

  • Completed

    November 2020

Who is listening

Ministry of Labour and Immigration

Input received

Feedback was collected from July 9 to August 14, 2020.

The workers’ compensation – what we heard provides a summary of what was heard during the engagement. Thank you for your input.


Bill 47, the Ensuring Safety and Cutting Red Tape Act, 2020 was introduced on November 5, 2020 to amend the Workers’ Compensation Act. If passed, amendments will bring balance to the workplaces, helping to ensure workers can rely on a sustainable compensation system if they get ill or injured on the job.


Connect with the Workers’ Compensation Review:

Email: [email protected]

Occupational Health and Safety and WCB Policy and Legislation Branch
7th Floor, Labour Building
10808 99 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta  T5K 0G5