The following Wildlife Land Use Guidelines reflect current recommendations of the Fish and Wildlife Division and are consistent with the direction provided within the Enhanced Approval Process (EAP).
These wildlife guidelines apply to all land-use activities not covered by the EAP. For direction on wildlife mitigation for all upstream oil and gas activities, consult:
Recommended Wildlife Land Use Guidelines
The guidelines have been developed for selected wildlife species, species groups and ecological regions of the province to assist land managers, land owners and land users in avoiding or minimizing potential adverse impacts to wildlife from various land use activities.
Fish and Wildlife Division Area staff are available for consultation and discussion on the recommendations within these guidelines.
- Key Wildlife and Biodiversity Zones
- Mountain Goat and Bighorn Sheep Range
- Select Wildlife Species and Habitat Within Grassland & Parkland Natural Regions of Alberta
- Trumpeter Swan Waterbodies and Watercourses
Wildlife Key Areas/Sites
The guidelines are primarily targeted to specific wildlife key areas/sites that play an essential role in ensuring the continued survival of local and regional populations of the identified wildlife species or species group.
The areas where these recommendations apply are indicated by Wildlife Sensitivity Layers that are consistent with the Landscape Analysis Tool (LAT) and available at:
Guidelines for Renewable Energy Projects
Note: These guidelines are either provincial or regional in scope and should be applied with judgement that considers the specific physical and vegetative characteristics of an area/site, as well as the types of existing land uses at and adjacent to the area/site.
Applying the guidelines to private land use
Provincial land managers (for example: Forestry Division and Lands Division) will consider these guidelines and may incorporate them into land use dispositions on provincial Crown lands.
However, because wildlife are the property of the Crown, irrespective of whether they occur on publicly-or private-owned land, private land owners and businesses/companies operating on private lands should also be familiar with these guidelines and make use of them where and as appropriate.
Guideline review process
These guidelines are subject to review and refinement on an ongoing basis, and may be updated to reflect changes in knowledge of mitigation strategies.
Related Information
Refer to the Caribou Management to see some of the mitigation strategies the Alberta government is using to stop the decline of woodland caribou populations.
Alberta Energy Regulator
Comments on the substance of these guidelines and requests for further information may be submitted to:
Provincial Wildlife Habitat Specialist
Alberta Environment and Parks
Phone 780-422-3344