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Alberta Wheat Commission and Alberta Barley Commission plebiscites

Eligible producers voted on a plebiscite on the question of amalgamating the Alberta Wheat Commission and Alberta Barley Commission.


The Alberta Agricultural Products Marketing Council conducted two plebiscites from October 3 to November 1, 2022, on the question of amalgamation of the Alberta Wheat Commission and Alberta Barley Commission at the request of both commissions. The plebiscites were conducted in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Marketing of Agricultural Products Act, the Alberta Wheat Commission Plebiscite Directive, and the Alberta Barley Commission Plebiscite Directive. The two plebiscite directives expired on March 31, 2023 and are no longer available.

The purpose of the plebiscites was to determine whether eligible Alberta wheat and barley producers supported the amalgamation of the Alberta Wheat Commission and the Alberta Barley Commission.

Plebiscite directives

The plebiscites were governed by their respective directives, which were made by Marketing Council with the approval of the Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation under section 5.1 of the Marketing of Agricultural Products Act. The Alberta Wheat Commission Plebiscite Directive (2022) and Alberta Barley Commission Plebiscite Directive (2022) both expired on March 31, 2023 and are no longer available.


For questions about the plebiscites, contact Marketing Council:

Phone: 780-427-2164
Email: [email protected]

For information on the proposed amalgamation of the Alberta Wheat Commission and Alberta Barley Commission, including the proposed governance structure for an amalgamated wheat and barley commission, see the Commissions’ website.