Reason for vote
The purpose of this plebiscite was to consider whether lamb producers desire a refundable or non-refundable service charge model.
The Alberta Lamb Producers (ALP) requested this vote in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Marketing of Agricultural Products Act (MAPA), and the Alberta Lamb Producers Plebiscite Directive (2022). The directive expired on March 31, 2023 and is no longer available.
Plebiscite directive
The plebiscite was governed by the Alberta Lamb Producers Plebiscite Directive (2022), which was made by Marketing Council with the approval of the Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation under section 5.1 of the MAPA. The directive was also reviewed by ALP. The directive is expired on March 31, 2023 and is no longer available.
For questions about the plebiscite, contact Marketing Council:
Phone: 780-427-2164
Email: [email protected]