
Wildfires have resulted in evacuations in some communities. Learn more.

Vendor submission requirements

Follow these mandatory submission requirements and best practices to ensure your proposal qualifies for the competitive procurement process.


Alberta Infrastructure and the vendor community both lose out when a disqualified vendor is removed from the competitive procurement process:

  • The vendor loses the possibility of being awarded the job opportunity plus the time and energy put into the bid or proposal submission.
  • Alberta Infrastructure ends up with a less competitive procurement and could miss out on a great candidate for the job.

To improve your ability to successfully compete in an Alberta Infrastructure procurement by limiting the risk that your bid or proposal will be found to be non-compliant, you may wish to develop and submit a bid or proposal that:

  • follows our mandatory submission requirements
  • uses our procurement best practices

Mandatory submission requirements

To ensure your bid or proposal is not disqualified for an Alberta Infrastructure procurement, it must meet these requirements:

Closing date and time

  • Your bid or proposal must be submitted on or before the closing date and time specified on the front page of the procurement documents.
  • Any modifications to your bid must be submitted on or before the procurement’s closing date and time to be eligible for evaluation.

Submission content

  • Must be submitted:
    • under the company’s legal name
    • using the provided forms
    • incorporating all addenda changes and requirements
  • No conditions, qualifications or unsolicited alternatives are to be included with your bid or proposal.
  • Your bid or proposal must not omit any scope of work required by the procurement documents.
  • Your bid or proposal’s fee form must be signed by an officer of the company.
  • Your bid or proposal’s price must be in Canadian dollars.

Bid bond – applicable to bids only

  • Submit your electronic bid bond in its original unaltered format, exactly as provided by the surety.
    • Do not submit a digital scan or photocopy of your paper bid bond (it is not considered an electronic bid bond).
  • Submit your electronic bid bond and your bid as separate documents.
  • Your bid bond must be:
    • greater than 10% of your bid’s price
    • dated on or before the closing date of the procurement
    • made out to “His Majesty in right of Alberta, as represented by the Minister of Infrastructure” as the obligee
    • executed, sealed and dated by the bidder and surety
    • valid for the earlier of these periods of time:
      • the minimum acceptance period listed in the procurement documents (typically 35 days)
      • until the bond’s principal enters into the formal contract and provides us with the specified Performance Security and Security of Claims document

Best practices

You are encouraged to follow these best practices when submitting your bid or proposal to an Alberta Infrastructure procurement:

Bid or proposal content

  • For unit price or hourly rate submissions, clearly indicate on the schedule form if you are not charging for an item you intend to provide.
    • Examples include “free of charge” or “included in another item.”
  • Price breakdowns should add up to the total bid price or the proposal fee.
  • If you submit a bid modification, only show the deduction or addition to the original amount (do not show the original amount).
    • This allows all bids to be kept confidential until the bid opening.
  • Dollar figures should match the dollar amount expressed in words.
    • If they do not, the amount expressed in words will take precedence over figures.

Conflict of interest

You must declare any potential, perceived or actual conflicts of interest to your procurement’s designated inquiries contact for review:

  • A declaration does not automatically result in your bid or proposal being disqualified.
  • Each instance is reviewed on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the procurement documents.


This web page is intended for informational purposes only and does not form part of the terms and conditions of any procurement by Alberta Infrastructure:

  • You are advised to carefully read and follow the requirements of the applicable procurement documents at all times.
  • In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between this web page and the terms and conditions of any procurement, always follow the requirements set out in the applicable procurement documents.


Questions or declarations can be directed to the Inquiries Contact listed on your procurement documents.