To address the recent increase in vaping, smoking, and tobacco use – especially among youth – we conducted a review of the Tobacco and Smoking Reduction Act.
We gathered feedback on:
- gaps and issues with Alberta’s current tobacco control legislation
- possible changes in legislation to reduce harms related to the use of tobacco, vaping and second hand smoke
Results under review
Who is listening
Ministry of Health
More than 9,500 Albertans shared their views on tobacco and vaping use through the online survey that closed on November 29, 2019.
Approximately 250 people participated in 41 consultation sessions across Alberta, including health experts, municipalities, educators, enforcement, youth, businesses and industry.
Survey responses included:
- concern about the high rates of youth vaping in Alberta
- interest in establishing a provincial minimum age for vaping and implementing photo ID requirements
- 79% of the respondents agreed (or strongly agreed) that vaping should be prohibited anywhere smoking tobacco is prohibited
- 81% believed that advertisement or promotion of vaping products should be prohibited in retail stores (same restrictions as tobacco products)
Read more of the survey highlights.
Meeting notes
Summary notes are posted here following meetings with tobacco and vaping businesses:
- Convenience Industry Council of Canada
- Canadian Vaping Association
- Imperial Brands
- Imperial Tobacco
- JUUL labs
- National Smokeless Tobacco Company
- Rothmans, Benson & Hedges
- Vaping Industry Trade Association
Bill 19, the Tobacco and Smoking Reduction Amendment Act was introduced on June 2 introduced to reduce the health harms associated with smoking and second-hand smoke, and address the rise in youth vaping.
- Tobacco, smoking, vaping review: MLA Jeremy Nixon (October 25, 2019)
- Tobacco Act review will address vaping (October 2, 2019)