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Seniors and housing – Vendor Performance Management Program

Consulting and construction vendors on Alberta Social Housing Corporation contracts will be tracked and rated to ensure quality performance.


Vendor Performance Management (VPM) is a contract management best practice used to track, analyze and manage the performance of a vendor. This helps to control costs, mitigate risks and drive continuous improvement throughout the contract life cycle.

The VPM Program for housing vendors will help ensure housing projects are delivered on time, on budget and within scope. VPM ensures:

  • housing vendors receive informal feedback and formal evaluations on their performance at regular intervals
  • past vendor performance is considered in procurement decisions

Past performance of consultants and contractors will contribute to future procurement selection. Through this program, the Alberta government is formalizing best practices.


The objective of the VPM Program is to support good performance by vendors of Alberta Seniors, Community and Social Services projects, while using vendor past performance information to:

  • acquire goods, services or construction
  • improve transparency
  • promote innovation
  • ensure best value

Evaluation criteria

Vendors (consultants and contractors) will be assessed on 5 criteria:

  • quality
  • management
  • schedule
  • cost
  • safety

A vendor will receive a score every 6 months for each contract subject to the VPM Program resulting in an overall vendor performance rating.



The expected outcomes of the VPM Program include:

  • facilitating ongoing, regular communication with vendors, ensuring clarity of expectations and quality performance
  • providing incentives to vendors to improve their performance
  • minimizing the need for corrective measures due to poor performance
  • enabling better decision making on bidder selection through a centralized repository containing vendor past performance information
  • holding vendors accountable for poor performance or unacceptable behaviour
  • enabling Seniors, Community and Social Services to provide objective vendor references


By tracking the performance of vendors, the Alberta government will be able to obtain the best value and encourage better performance as the stewards of public funds. Implementation of the VPM Program will:

  • establish an effective program that limits program administration and establishes appropriate governance
  • bring the Alberta government in line with VPM programs in other jurisdictions, achieving better outcomes for Albertans
  • establish accountability mechanisms and VPM Program performance indicators to constructively evaluate the program against expected outcomes
  • support major procurements to achieve best value for money for taxpayers
  • ensure efficiency of government service delivery in the public interest

Continual improvement

Under the VPM Program, a survey can be completed and sent by a vendor to provide formal feedback about their experience working with the Alberta government.

The VPM Program will be evaluated on an annual basis for continual improvement.


Connect with the VPM Program:

Email: [email protected]

Vendor Performance Management Program
12th Floor, Capital Boulevard
10044 108 Street
Edmonton, Alberta  T5J 5E6