Security screening directive

This directive covers criminal records checks and Financial Management Risk Indicator Screening within the Alberta Public Service.


​​This directive provides an overview of how Criminal Records Checks and the Financial Management Risk Indicator Screening are applied within the Alberta Public Service.


The Security Screening Directive is intended to strengthen the due diligence process with respect to the appointment or reclassification of employees into designated positions while respecting the privacy rights of current and future employees. Criminal records checks and Financial Management Risk Indicator Screening are only one way to mitigate risk, and as a “point in time" check should never take the place of effective internal controls and other pre-employment screening checks. It is important to note that a clear nexus between the job duties of designated positions and the requirement for a security screening must exist.

In those cases where a current employee is appointed or reclassified to a designated position, confirmation that a previous security screening was performed under this directive is sufficient to meet the requirements of this directive.

Security screening is required for all appointments or reclassifications to the positions described below:​

Type of security screening: Level 1 - Criminal records check

​Applies to:​Received by:Information Disclosed to:
Senior Officials appointed by Order in Council.Security Services on behalf of the Ministry.​Deputy Minister of Executive Council or the appropriate Board or Commission Chair, and their legal or human resource advisors as required.
All Management positions in the Alberta Public Service.

All positions with Expenditure Officer or Accounting Officer accountabilities.

Other positions as determined by the Deputy Minister.
​Ministry human resource advisors or Executive Search, Public Service Commission.Appropriate Deputy Minister or Management Representative and/or their legal or human resource advisors as required.

Type of security screening: Level 2 - Enhanced security screening

Applies to:​Received by:​Information Disclosed to:
Members of Deputy Ministers' Committee.

Members of Ministry Executive Committees.

Senior Financial Officers.

Other positions as determined by the Deputy Minister in consultation with DM, Public Service Commission.
Criminal Records Check and Financial Management Risk Indicator Screening are collected by Executive Search, Public Service Commission or Security Services on behalf of the employer.​Deputy Minister Executive Council or appropriate Deputy Minister, their legal or human resource advisors as required.​

​All positions that require security screening are determined to meet some or all of the following criteria:

  • Positions of trust where the client relies on the character or truth of the employee. While all employees can be said to occupy a positon of trust, this criteria focuses on those positions that have significant client contact and/or where the well-being of the client is based on the decisions of the employee.
  • Positions charged with special status or designation.
  • Positions dealing with court proceedings and evidence admitted to the court.
  • Positions with unrestricted access to highly confidential/sensitive information or large amounts of cash, goods or restricted drugs.

The security screening results for all positions noted in this directive are reviewed and assessed for any required follow up action by the individuals listed in the "Information Disclosed to" section noted in the table above.

In all cases where a Criminal Records Check is required, the applicants will be given the alternative to provide a certificate from the applicable police force. Alternatively, Criminal Records Check information collected through Security Services will be made accessible to the applicant.

In all cases where a Financial Management Risk Indicator Screening is required, access to Financial Credit Information is through electronic means. Applicants are provided with alternatives as to when Security Services will review the information. Applicants may choose to meet with a representative of Security Services to jointly review the Financial Credit Information OR applicants may first review their Financial Credit Information privately and subsequently provide personal identification information to Security Services to allow them access to the Financial Credit Information. In either situation, there will be no hard copy record of the Financial Credit Information.

Ministries will file a list of the positions determined by the Deputy Minister, that require security screening with the Public Service Commissioner's Office by March 31 of each year.


For the purposes of this Directive, the following definitions apply:

Criminal records check Involves a screening for the presence of criminal convictions, against the Canadian Police Information Center (CPIC), conducted by the applicable police force. In the event that the individual is not from, or does not currently reside in Canada, a check from a relevant non-Canadian police agency may be requested. Police clearance certificates are different in each country and may also be known by other names, including good conduct certificates and judicial record extracts. The certificates should provide a summary of an individual's criminal convictions or a declaration of the absence of any criminal convictions.

Financial management risk indicator screening Involves a screening for the presence of Financial Management Risk Indicators such as bankruptcies, garnishees, credit payments beyond 90 days, poor credit rating, etc. The screening will be conducted by Security Services on the basis of a review of the applicant's Financial Credit Information (provided electronically). Details of applicant's credit information are not disclosed.

Related information

For more information, see Privacy Impact Assessment – Security Screening.

About this directive

Authority:Public Service Act
Application:Organizations under the Public Service Act
Effective Date:February 1, 2003 (updated October 23, 2017)
Contact:Alberta Public Service Commission:
Labour and Employment Policy and Programs; Talent Acquisition Policy