Become a Registries Online subscriber

Businesses can apply for access to the Corporate Registry and Personal Property Registry computer systems.


Registries Online allows eligible businesses to search or register information on the Corporate Registry or Personal Property Registry computer systems.

Businesses that subscribe to the registry computer systems include law firms, financial institutions and automobile dealerships.

Subscribers are not allowed to register, retrieve, sell or distribute the registry information on behalf of third parties. They can only use the registry computer systems as part of their professional services to clients.

Corporate Registry

The Corporate Registry computer system has information about businesses and other organizations such as Alberta corporations, registered out of province corporations, incorporated non-profit organizations and registered business names.

The system is available during the following hours:

  • Monday to Friday: 6 am to 10 pm (MST/MDT)
  • Saturday: 8 am to 6 pm
  • Sunday: noon to 6 pm

Personal Property Registry

The Personal Property Registry computer system has information about registered interests in personal property, such as motor vehicles, farm equipment and other goods.

The system is available during the following hours:

  • Monday to Friday: 6:30 am to 9:15 pm (MST/MDT)
  • Saturday: 6:30 am to 6:15 pm
  • Sunday: noon to 6 pm


Classroom-based training and eLearning is available for people that use the registry computer systems. Students must also pass an exam before they can use the systems. For more information, see online exams for registries.

Training is available through:


A person or firm that applies to subscribe to Registries On-Line must:

  • complete a minimum of 50 CORES and/or APPRES transactions per month
    • transaction volumes are audited and access can be terminated when a subscriber completes less than 50 searches or registrations each month
    • all registry agents are authorized to provide searches for businesses do not meet the volume standard
    • most registry agents are also authorized to provide registration services
  • have a Canadian business location and keep their business records in Canada
  • be registered with the Alberta regulatory body for their profession, if applicable, and/or be a registered corporation or business
  • when applying for APPRES registration access, must have at least one APPRES accredited person on staff
  • when applying for CORES registration access must:
    • be a lawyer or law firm in public practice in Alberta
    • have at least one CORES accredited person on staff

How to apply

These steps outline the application policy for access to the Corporate Registry and Personal Property computer systems.

Step 1. Complete the forms

Fillable PDF forms may not open properly on some mobile devices and web browsers. See the step-by-step guide or contact PDF form technical support.

Access application

  • Information collected on or with the application must include:
    • Type of access desired (search only or search and registration)
    • Intended use of the Corporate Registry and/or Personal Property Registry information
    • Estimated number of searches/registrations to be performed each month – Service Alberta may request an explanation for excessive estimated volumes
    • Names and Corporate Registry accreditation levels of individuals connected with the firm (if applicable)
    • Evidence supporting the firm’s line of business and/or professional affiliations or licences, if applicable to the firm or its practitioners.
      • Alberta lawyers: A listing in the legal directory or confirmation the lawyer is registered with the Law Society of Alberta
      • Out-of province lawyers: Proof of registration with the law society or equivalent in their home jurisdiction
      • Self-employed real estate agents: Written confirmation of agent status from an affiliated real estate company
      • Independently owned real estate businesses and other applying firms: Active registration under the Business Corporations Act or Partnership Act
      • Out-of-province businesses: Proof of registration in their home jurisdiction
      • Financial institutions: Service Alberta will verify the status of the financial institution with the appropriate government authority
      • Private investigators: Verification of licensing from Alberta Justice or provide a release so Service Alberta may verify the licence
      • Surveyors: Verification from the Alberta Land Surveyors Association, (for example, permit numbers issued by the association)

Credit application

  • If the applicant does not have a credit history or if the history is unacceptable, ROL access may be denied pending receipt of assurance of ability to pay (such as posting of a bond or a GIC).

Step 2. Send the forms

Send the forms by email, fax or mail:

Email: [email protected]

Fax: 780-422-1091

Registries Online
Service Alberta
Mezzanine Floor, 10365 97 Street
Edmonton Alberta,  T5J 3W7

After you apply

If your application is approved you will get an access agreement in the mail. Sign the access agreement and send it back to Registries Online. Enclose the payment for one or more system IDs:

  • $173.25 for one ID (GST included)
  • $47.25 (GST included) for each additional ID

Make your cheque payable to the Government of Alberta.

When Registries Online receives your signed access agreement and payment, a user manual and Help Desk contact information will be sent to you.

ROL access will be granted for 5 years provided the applicant:

  • confirms they have the hardware/software as described in the application package
  • signs the access agreement
  • pays the fee for one or more access IDs

Name changes or amalgamations

If a subscriber corporation changes its name, the access agreement will continue until the expiry date.

When a subscriber corporation has undergone an amalgamation, the successor corporation must submit a new application for ROL access. The previous agreement will continue until a new application has been received and approved.

Termination of access

Service Alberta may temporarily or permanently terminate access for any contravention of the access agreement or this policy.

Reasons for termination

Reasons for termination include:

  • multiple payment defaults and other revenue issues
    • interest changes will be applied to account balances outstanding more than 30 days from the statement date
  • inappropriate handling of information
  • failure to notify Service Alberta when there's a change in professional affiliation or corporation status
  • other issues as determine by Service Alberta

When subscriber access is terminated for these or any other reasons, the subscriber must meet current eligibility criteria in order to be considered for resumption of access.

Termination process

Service Alberta reserves the right to terminate access immediately for major breaches of the access agreement or this policy. Termination of ROL access will generally follow the process outlined below:

  1. A complaint is received and investigated by Service Alberta.
  2. Depending on the severity of the complaint, the ROL subscriber may be contacted by telephone to rectify the situation.
  3. If the problem persists or the severity of the situation warrants, Service Alberta will send written notice of cancellation of access to the subscriber. Notice may be sent in letter or electronic format.
  4. Access will be terminated no earlier than 60 days from the date of final notice.
  5. Reinstatement of access may be considered at the sole discretion of Service Alberta.

For reinstatement of access to be considered, all outstanding accounts must be paid.


Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-422-1705
Toll free: 1-800-661-3723

Previous Registry agents