
Wildfires have resulted in evacuations in some communities. Learn more.

Public trust in agriculture

Government supports industry in building public trust in agriculture through programs, regulations and funding.

Government programs

The Government of Alberta works with industry on a wide variety of projects and initiatives that help measure environmental sustainability in the agriculture industry.

Legislation and policy

Agricultural environmental stewardship legislation and policy includes provincial and federal acts, regulations, codes and guidelines for Alberta’s agricultural industry. These provide standards to ensure the agricultural industry is operating in an environmentally responsible way.

  • Traceability in Alberta relies on 3 basic pillars of premises identification, animal identification and animal movement.
  • Farm and ranch workplace legislation protects waged, non-family farm workers.

Industry and partner programs

Partner programs

The Alberta government partners with industry to provide the following awareness and engagement programs:

  • The Environmental Farm Plan (EFP) is a voluntary, whole farm, self-assessment tool. It helps producers identify their environmental risks and develop plans to mitigate identified risks.
  • The Agri-Environmental Partnership of Alberta (AEPA) is a multi-stakeholder partnership of the agriculture industry, government, and environmental non-government organizations. Together they address agri-environmental issues from a policy point of view.
  • The Canadian Centre for Food Integrity helps our food system build trust by providing research, resources, training and dialogue.

Industry programs

The following awareness and engagement programs are available for Alberta producers: