Preserving Canada’s economic prosperity

The Preserving Canada’s Economic Prosperity Act (Bill 72) gives Alberta the ability to restrict the export of crude oil and natural gas if necessary.

Status: Bill 72 received royal assent on June 17, 2021
Ministry responsible: Energy


The Preserving Canada’s Economic Prosperity Act, gives the Minister of Energy the authority, if necessary, to restrict the export of crude oil and natural gas from Alberta.

This authority can protect the economic interests of Alberta and ensure we receive maximum value for our natural energy resources.

The act replaced a previous act with the same name and came into effect retroactively to May 1, 2021.

Export licences

The Act gives the government authority to require companies to obtain a licence before exporting natural gas and crude oil from Alberta via pipeline, rail or truck.

Export licences are required for every company only if the energy minister determines it’s in the public interest.

Licences may be issued for lower amounts than what was previously being exported.

Imports of products into Alberta are not currently subject to any restrictions.


Anyone who fails to comply with the act, its regulations or a term or condition of a licence may face fines up to:

  • $10 million per day for companies
  • $1 million per day for individuals
