Plan for Parks engagement

Albertans can share input to help us create a new, modernized Plan for Parks.


We are seeking input to inform development of a new Plan for Parks, Alberta’s strategic direction for recreation and conservation of sites managed under the Provincial Parks Act. This includes provincial parks, provincial recreation areas and wildland provincial parks.

The original Plan for Parks launched in 2009 as a 10-year plan. We want to ensure the new plan helps support the priorities of visitors while maintaining the natural and cultural heritage of Alberta’s parks.

The engagement will be completed in phases. The first phase will collect feedback from Albertans to inform a draft Plan for Parks. In the second phase, Albertans will review and provide input on the draft plan.


  • Open

  • Results under review

  • Completed

Who is listening

Ministry of Forestry and Parks

Get informed

A new Plan for Parks will: 

  • support in growing recreation opportunities for parks visitors
  • ensure that guiding principles (accountability, equitable access, reconciliation and sustainability) are able to address challenges and navigate decisions involving diverse and sometimes competing needs in Alberta’s parks
  • enhance nature-based recreation and camping opportunities, while ensuring the long-term success of our parks system in an environmentally responsible way
  • reflect the feedback we receive from Albertans and shape how current and future generations visit and enjoy parks
  • ensure we can meet new challenges to provincial parks from increasing pressures and growing demand from existing and new activities

A new plan will not alter management intent or change permitted activities or land uses for any park designation (for example, provincial parks or provincial recreation areas). It will not change currently allowed exercise of First Nations’ Treaty Rights and recognized Métis harvesting in or on Alberta’s parks.

The 2009 plan supported important changes, including the creation of the online camping reservation system and policies that enhanced inclusion and accessibility of programs, services and facilities.

Learn more

Input received

Indigenous engagement

We engaged with Indigenous communities and organizations across the province.

Online survey

Albertans shared feedback through an online survey from June 19 to August 18, 2024.


Your feedback, along with government direction, research, analysis and lessons learned from the original plan, will help shape a new Plan for Parks so that current and future generations can continue to discover, value, protect and enjoy Alberta’s parks and the benefits they provide.


For more information about this engagement or the Plan for Parks:

Phone: Alberta Parks Contact Centre: 1-877-537-2757
In-person: Stop by any Alberta Parks Visitor Centre during operating hours.
