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Photo radar engagement

Stakeholders shared feedback to help ensure photo radar is used effectively to improve traffic safety.


From November 2019 to January 2020, municipalities and law enforcement agencies shared feedback to ensure Automated Traffic Enforcement Technology, commonly known as photo radar, is used for traffic safety, not for revenue.

This engagement was created to help address public concerns regarding the elimination of “fishing holes” or speed traps while keeping our roads safe.

Photo radar includes mobile devices and fixed intersection safety devices. It was introduced in Alberta in 1987 and 26 municipalities currently use at least one type of photo radar.


  • Open

  • Results under review

  • Completed

Who is listening

Ministry of Justice and Solicitor General

Input received

Stakeholder engagement

Municipalities and law enforcement agencies provided input through an in-person workshop and an online survey in from November 2019 to January 2020.

Photo radar review

In 2018, an independent review was done to evaluate how photo radar was being used in Alberta.
The review found that:

  • photo radar does make a small contribution to traffic safety in the province, but is not being used in a way to maximize traffic safety
  • Alberta saw a reduction in collisions overall, over a 10-year period - of that, photo radar was responsible for:
    • 1.4% reduction in traffic collision rates
    • 5.3% reduction in the proportion of fatal collisions
  • municipalities wanted the guidelines to be updated to provide more clarity for photo radar operations
  • provincial guidelines could be used more effectively to maximize traffic safety outcomes


Participant feedback helped inform changes that will enhance accountability and transparency of photo radar in Alberta starting in April 2022.

We will work directly with municipalities and law enforcement agencies to implement changes and keep our roads safe.
