
Death investigations
When a death occurs suddenly or it cannot be explained, the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME) conducts an investigation, under the authority of the Fatality Inquiries Act.
OCME investigates deaths to determine:
- identity of the deceased
- date and place of death
- medical reason for death (why it occurred)
- manner of death
The OCME investigates cases of people who die in Alberta:
- from homicidal violence
- from suicide
- from an accident
- unexpectedly when in apparent good health
- when unattended by a physician
- while in the care of the government, such as in mental health or correctional facilities
- in suspicious circumstances
- from medical assistance in dying
We also inspect death certificates in all cases where:
- burial permits are issued
- cremation is applied for
- a body is to be shipped out of province
Our investigations can range from a paper-based file review of medical records to a full autopsy. Autopsies are prioritized and the vast majority of bodies are examined within one working day of their arrival at the OCME. This is vital so the bodies can be released for burial or cremation.
OCME staff members work in:
- toxicology
- forensic pathology
- investigations
- records management
- administration
- the autopsy suite
Information bulletins
Information bulletins are intended for police and medical communities in Alberta.
- General information on the Choking Game
- Death investigation update for Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) deaths
- Organ and tissue donation and the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner
Caseloads and staffing
The OCME investigates 20,000 deaths on average each year, which includes a combined total of more than 4,000 autopsies and external exams.
Golden Triangle Conference
The OCME hosts the Golden Triangle Conference every 2 years. It alternates between Edmonton and Calgary in partnership with the Edmonton Police Service and the Calgary Police Service.
The conference provides training to:
- death investigators and coroners
- law enforcement personnel, including:
- municipal police
- the RCMP
- military police
How we are organized
The OCME employs:
- a Chief Medical Examiner
- Deputy Chief Medical Examiners
- Assistant Chief Medical Examiners
The OCME performs an average of 4,000 post-mortem examinations – the physical review of deceased bodies – per year. They investigate nearly 20,000 deceased people each year.
Calgary and Edmonton offices
The OCME has offices in Calgary and Edmonton that each have 7 distinct, cross-functional working units:
- Medical Examiner
- Medical Investigator
- Mortuary
- Toxicology
- Records
- Administration
Medical Investigator Unit
The OCME’s Medical Investigator Unit is available 24 hours a day, every day. Medical investigators are often the first point of contact for the deceased’s relatives, friends and the deceased’s physician. These investigators interview them to determine if a death requires an investigation.
Fatality Review Board
The Fatality Review Board oversees the work conducted by the OCME. The board’s independent panel is made up of a:
- lawyer
- physician
- lay person
They review OCME case work and may recommend a public fatality inquiry into someone’s death in order to:
- prevent similar deaths in the future
- protect the public
- clarify the circumstances surrounding the death
Education, tours and presentations
The OCME helps teach and train medical personnel at the University of Calgary and University of Alberta. Education, tours and presentations include the following:
- post-graduate training in forensic pathology
- tours or presentations for affiliated professional agencies
For information about education or booking a tour or presentation, email [email protected].
Connect with the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner:
Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
For death notifications and emergencies, contact us 24 hours a day, every day.
Calgary location
Phone: 403-297-8123
Fax: 403-297-3429
Email: [email protected]
Visit our office at:
Office of the Chief Medical Examiner
4070 Bowness Road NW
Calgary, Alberta T3B 3R7
Edmonton location
Phone: 780-427-4987
Fax: 780-422-1265
Email: [email protected]
Visit our office at:
Office of the Chief Medical Examiner
7007 116 Street NW
Edmonton, Alberta T6H 5R8
Media requests
If you are a member of the media and want to speak with a media spokesperson or request statistics, call the Justice media line at 780-644-3009.