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Occupational health and safety directive

This directive covers the Occupational Health and Safety Program for the Alberta Public Service.

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  • Occupational health and safety directive


This directive establishes the Occupational Hea​lth and Safety Program​​ for all departments and agencies in the Government of Alberta under the Public Service Act. It also provides the guiding principles that support implementation of the program within departments and agencies.


The Government of Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Program fosters continuous improvement and excellence in work and well-being.

The Government of Alberta and the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees collaboratively build and support the implementation of the Government of Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Program. Everyone shares responsibility for following the Occupational Health and Safety Program and for integrating health and safety practices in their business operations and individual activities.


We promote a culture that values health and safety by proudly working together and integrating Alberta's public service values in all our work activities and environments.


The Government of Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Program includes legislative requirements and uses established best practices as the standard for achievement.

The program covers all matters that may have an effect on the health and safety of employees during the performance of their duties. It includes the following elements:

  1. Occupational Health and Safety Management
  2. Hazard Management
  3. Occupational Health and Safety Training
  4. Inspections
  5. Emergency Preparedness
  6. Incident Management
  7. Occupational Health and Safety Program Evaluation

These elements are applicable to all government operations. Some elements include consistent ​standards, ​s​tandard processes and forms that are used in all Government of Alberta departments and agencies. Departments and agencies are encouraged to use ​guidelines and ​templates provided in other elements to meet those standards and their individual needs.

About this directive

Authority: Public Service Act (Section 28)
Master Agreement, Article 43
Occupational Health and Safety Act, Regulation and Code
Application: Departments, agencies and employees under the Public Service Act
Effective Date: July 7, 2008
Contact: Alberta Public Service Commission:
Labour and Employment Practices; Health, Safety Program and Services