Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Program (MVAC)

Ensuring victims injured by uninsured or unknown drivers have a place where they can sue and receive payment for their personal injuries.

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Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Program


All vehicle owners in Alberta are required to have valid liability insurance. There are a few who do not, and may not have the means to pay for the personal injuries or death that they caused. Sometimes, these at-fault drivers flee the scene of the accident, leaving the injured victim at a loss and uncertain who to sue.

The Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Program (MVAC) was created in 1947 under the Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Act, with the goal to protect injured victims from uninsured or unknown drivers by establishing a program where they can sue and receive payment for their personal injuries.

MVAC’s maximum combined payment for all victims of an accident is $200,000. If there is more than one claimant to an accident, then each claimant will receive a proportional share for up to the $200,000 maximum.

Learn more about the MVAC Program:


Submit Judgment payment forms

Complete your forms and email or fax them to:

Email: [email protected]
Fax: 780-415-2200

Report a new claim

Connect with MVAC:
Email: [email protected]

Paying your debt

Connect with Motor Vehicle Accident Recoveries about payment inquiries:
Email: [email protected]
Website: Owing money – Collections at TRA