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Local election rules engagement (2020)

Gathered input on election rules for municipalities and school boards.


We gathered feedback from Albertans on aspects of the Local Authorities Election Act, which governs elections for municipalities and school boards.

The act was reviewed and revised in 2018, but we wanted to address potential gaps that Albertans have told us still exist in the current legislation.

This review will not affect parts of the act pertaining to Metis Settlements and irrigation districts.


  • Open

    February 4 - March 4, 2020

  • Results under review

  • Completed

    June 24, 2020

Who is listening

Ministry of Municipal Affairs

Input received

The online survey, which closed March 4, 2020 covered:

  • campaign period length
  • nomination process
  • campaign finance
  • third-party advertising
  • recall of municipally elected officials and school board trustees

We also met with representatives from municipalities, school boards and third-party advertisers.


Upon hearing concerns from municipal and school board partners, we conducted further analysis and research on topics including the nomination period, campaign period, campaign finance, third party advertising, and recall.

Bill 29: The Local Authorities Election Amendment Act was introduced on June 24, 2020 to allow people to donate to as many candidates as they choose, give candidates more flexibility to get their message to voters, and allow third party advertisers to participate more freely.

