Part of K to 12 funding

K to 12 education funding framework

Learn about K to 12 education funding, including formulas, funding rates, criteria and requirements.


In September 2020, we implemented the updated funding model. Funding for K to 12 education in Alberta is calculated using a weighted moving 3-year average to provide predictable funding to school authorities.

The current funding framework is distributed through base instruction funding. Additional funding is provided for services and supports, such as the number of English as a second language learners, and community characteristics, such as socio-economic and geographic challenges faced by school authorities. Funding to school authorities is also provided through targeted funding for operations and maintenance and system administration. The funding framework allocates funding directly to school authorities, who then allocate funding to individual schools. The new funding model provides school authorities with increased flexibility to meet the needs of the children and students they serve.

The Funding Manual provides details of the funding formula and allocation approach for the school year, including:

  • funding criteria
  • funding rates
  • reporting requirements
  • payment schedule

Funding from the Alberta government supports the provision of approved education programs for students and children in Early Childhood Services to Grade 12.


Funding manual and handbooks

Alberta Funding Manuals are available by year.

Funding Handbooks are available by year.

Application forms

Funding application forms are available in electronic format.

You must have an Extranet ID and your secretary-treasurer must have given authorization to the help desk for you to access these forms. Only the secretary-treasurer may submit these funding application forms.