IRP program – Forms, instructions, guides and updates

Forms, instructions and guides to apply for the IRP program, and updates to the prorated International Registration Plan.


New clients should refer to the Application Instructions when completing forms.

Submit your completed forms and supporting documentation to [email protected].

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  • January 1, 2019

    Notice: Allowance for use of Electronic Images – International Registration Plan (IRP) Cab Cards and International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) Licences

    Effective January 1, 2019, commercial carriers will be allowed to carry their IRP cab cards and IFTA licences in electronic format. Carriers can choose to carry this documentation either in electronic or paper format in their vehicles.

    The use of electronic images of IRP cab cards and IFTA licences has been accepted by all jurisdictions in the United States and Canada. Documentation shown in an electronic image must be accessible by computer, tablet, smart phone or other electronic device.

    If you choose to maintain an electronic format of this documentation, it is recommended that the document is saved as a file on an electronic device, such as PDF.

    For more information on IRP, contact 403-297-2920.

    For more information on IFTA, contact the Tax and Revenue Administration at 780-427-3044.

  • January 1, 2016

    Notice: Alberta based bus companies operating charter trips into other jurisdictions

    Effective January 1 2016, all Charter Buses that have inter-jurisdictional movement will be required to obtain Prorated IRP (International Registration Plan) registration or purchase trip permits. This is the result of a September 18, 2014 vote in favour of amending the definition of an 'Apportionable Vehicle' by the IRP. The amendment removes Charter Buses as an exempt vehicle from IRP registration. Currently, registration in the IRP for chartered parties is optional.

    The IRP is a cooperative registration agreement among all 10 Canadian Provinces, 48 contiguous states and the District of Columbia. The IRP was also amended to remove the requirement to declare travel into other jurisdictions in advance. The lifting of this requirement is known as 'Full Reciprocity'. As of January 1, 2015, all IRP Cab Cards issued on or after that date will show all jurisdictions.

    When registering using the IRP for the first time, a fee is paid to each jurisdiction in the Plan that allows you to operate in all member jurisdictions throughout the year. IRP allows you to register once for all the jurisdictions rather than dealing with each jurisdiction separately.

    On subsequent renewals, registration fees will be calculated and paid to the jurisdictions in which fleets have accrued actual travel in the previous reporting period. You will maintain full reciprocity registration privileges in all IRP member jurisdictions throughout each registration year.

    If you have any questions, contact 403-297-2920.

  • January 16, 2015

    Notice: Ownership documents

    All prorate clients attending a registry agent office must submit their ownership document to the agent for imaging. The client may submit an original or a copy. The document can be provided to the agent directly from the client or the company may fax or email a scanned copy to the agent directly.

  • January 1, 2015

    Notice: Important changes to the International Registration Plan (IRP)

    The new Full Reciprocity Plan (FRP) changes will automatically grant full registration reciprocity in all member jurisdictions and will make the IRP more equitable and flexible to all members:

    • cab cards will list every jurisdiction
    • fees will be assessed on the actual distance travelled in the previous year
    • registrants only pay for the jurisdictions in which they travelled
    • ability to operate in any IRP jurisdiction without changes to the cab card
    • effective for fleets renewed on or after January 1, 2015

    This will result in eliminating:

    • estimates
    • add jurisdictions
    • fees over 100%
    • most trip permits

    It may also reduce the need for multiple fleets.

    How it will work

    New IRP fleets effective on or after January 1, 2015 will use the base jurisdiction's average per vehicle distance (APVD) chart for all 59 jurisdictions and pay the proportionate amount of fees for each of those jurisdictions in order to establish the IRP fleet. FRP removes the option for you to provide estimated distances.

    New or existing IRP fleets with a registration year beginning prior to January 1, 2015 will be subject to provisions of the current plan until renewal in 2015. The cab cards generated will only display those jurisdictions specifically requested.

    Existing IRP fleets (with no actual distances) renewing on or after January 1, 2015 will also be treated as a 'new' IRP fleet and pay fees based on the APVD chart. Second-year estimated distances are eliminated under FRP.

    Existing IRP fleets (with actual distances) renewing on or after January 1, 2015 will report the actual distances operated during the distance reporting period and pay fees based only upon those distances as they do today. However, the renewal cab card will reflect all 59 jurisdictions.

    For more information, visit the IRP website and select Q&A or call the Alberta IRP program office at 403-297-2920.

  • April 1, 2014

    Notice: Breakdown Clearance Letter

    Effective April 1, 2014, Breakdown Clearance Letters will no longer be issued under the Canadian Agreement on Vehicle Registration (CAVR) Part II policy. Letters issued prior to this date will still be honoured.

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