Part of Royalties

Historical royalty data

The royalty revenue data below is on a fiscal year basis (April 1 to March 31) as reported in the department’s corporate documents.

Fiscal revenue collected summaries

Alberta Resource Revenues: Historical (1970 to latest) and Budget ($ Millions).

*Bolded numbers were released in the summer of 2023

Natural Gas and By-product Royalty

2022/23  $3,595
2021/22  $2,227
2020/21  $465
2019/20  $371
2018/19  $536

Conventional Oil Royalty

2022/23  $3,968
2021/22  $1,947
2020/21  $466
2019/20  $1,175
2018/19  $1,149

Oil Sands Royalty

2022/23  $16,879
2021/22  $11,605
2020/21  $2,006
2019/20  $4,089
2018/19  $3,214

Coal Royalty

2022/23  $146
2021/22  $10
2020/21  $12
2019/20  $13
2018/19  $10

Bonuses and Sales of Crown Leases

2022/23  $465
2021/22  $228
2020/21  $24
2019/20  $120
2018/19  $360

Rentals and Fees

2022/23  $189
2021/22  $153
2020/21  $118
2019/20  $169
2018/19  $160

Non Renewable Resource Revenue

2022/23  $25,242
2021/22  $16,170
2020/21  $3,091
2019/20  $5,937
2018/19  $5,429

The following historical documents are also available for 1947 to 1954 and 1947 to 1974.

For terms of use, consult the copyright and disclaimer information.


Connect with Alberta Energy and Minerals:

Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-644-1278
Email: [email protected]