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Part of Grasshoppers

Grasshoppers – Survey and maps

Findings from the 2023 annual grasshopper survey and 2024 forecast information.


The 2023 grasshopper survey map is based on adult grasshoppers counts conducted in August 2023 by the Agricultural Fieldmen of Alberta. 

The adult grasshopper counts give an indication of the number of individuals capable of reproduction and egg laying. Environmental factors can result in higher or lower actual populations than forecast. Individual producers need to be aware of the potential risks in their area and monitor fields accordingly and then make the appropriate decisions if control measures are required.

For information on identification, life cycle, damage and pest management, see Grasshopper – Overview.

Survey findings

Peace River Region and North Central Alberta

The 2023 grasshopper survey reports grasshopper counts from very severe to none across the Peace region.

After evaluating years of grasshopper data, a trend has emerged that one species (Melanoplus bruneri, Bruner’s spur-throat grasshopper) in the Peace and northern crop-production areas seems to have a 2 year lifecycle. On the Alberta side of the Peace, a pattern of odd years with grasshopper numbers that can cause crop loss issues, while in the even years the numbers are low. If the pattern holds true, then Bruner’s grasshopper should not be an issue in the Peace and the northern crop production areas in 2024.

There are other pest species of grasshopper found in the Peace that can cause crop loss. Scouting for grasshoppers every year is important.

Southern Alberta

In the south and eastern border regions of AB, grasshopper numbers have been increasing since 2021, both in area and numbers. In 2023, grasshopper numbers increased in the same areas that had high numbers in 2022. August and September of both 2022 and 2023 were warm and dry, these are ideal conditions for grasshopper egg laying and grasshopper development. There is potential for outbreaks in the southern region and along the eastern border region in 2024. If you had grasshopper issues in 2023, expect the same in 2024.

Scouting in areas with significant grasshopper risk in late May and June of roadsides and field edges and where high concentrations were found the previous year is vital to understand the risk of grasshopper risk.


On individual farms, particular attention should be paid to areas that traditionally have higher grasshopper populations. In addition, grasshoppers tend to lay their eggs near areas of green growth in the fall that will provide potential food sources for emerging young the following spring. Areas with early green plant growth such as field margins, fence-lines and roadsides are also areas that will give early indications of potential grasshopper problems.

Control measures

If insecticides are needed, note label precautions regarding user safety and proper application techniques and instructions to reduce impacts on non-target organisms. It is important to remember that control measures are intended to protect the crops from economic damage and are never successful in totally eliminating grasshopper populations. It is easier to scout and control grasshoppers earlier in their lifecycle rather than waiting until they are more mobile.


Thank you to the Alberta Agricultural Fieldmen who complete this survey for us, your help is so valuable to the continuation of this very important work. Thank you Jon Williams, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Saskatoon for producing the map. Thank you Ross Weiss for your grasshopper knowledge and ability to share with me.

Survey maps
