Fisheries regulation changes 2019-20 engagement

In 2018, Albertans were asked for input on recreational fisheries management frameworks for northern pike and walleye.

Status: Completed
Ministry responsible: Environment and Parks
Completed: 2019


In 2018, public engagement with Albertans began to get input on proposed fisheries management objectives and 2019-20 fisheries regulations. An online survey asked for feedback on specific waterbodies across the province.

The consultation and implementation of sportfishing regulations is an annual process. These changes are informed by Alberta’s fisheries management system, recreational species management frameworks and are aligned with the Fish Conservation and Management Strategy of 2014

The consultation approach describes how consultation changes with fishery status. Generally, lower risk fish populations provide more management options, while higher risk fish populations provide fewer options for management and likely require recovery or protection from further decline. In cases of high risk, notification of the required management action is provided. Lakes with a notification of changes to fisheries regulations are listed in the Notifications tab below.

Online consultation was initiated in 2017 with the rollout of the Northern Pike and Walleye Recreational Fishery Management Frameworks, North-Central Native Trout Recovery and Eastern Slopes Fisheries Regulations.

Life cycle

November 21 to December 17, 2018 – Consult on specific fisheries management objectives and regulation changes by waterbody or watershed

February 2019 – Report on engagement results

April 1, 2019 – Final outcomes of the consultation


2019-20 Fisheries regulation changes online consultation summary
Waterbodies with Consultation for Fisheries Regulation Changes in 2019-20, map 
Fish conservation and management strategy for Alberta
Fisheries (Alberta) Act

Related links

Fisheries management in Alberta video
My Wild Alberta: Fisheries management
Fisheries management