
Wildfires have resulted in evacuations in some communities. Learn more.

Employment standards self-assessment tools

Use our online questionnaires to find out if your business practices comply with Alberta’s Employment Standards laws.

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How it works

  • Choose a topic below and start the questionnaire.
  • On the last page you will see results based on your answers.
  • To explore different scenarios, click ‘Start again’.
  • Your answers are confidential and anonymous.
  • Flag icon
    General holidays

    Does your business comply with Alberta's employment laws for general holidays and general holiday pay? Start the questionnaire.

  • Clock icon
    Hours of work and rest

    Does your business comply with Alberta’s employment laws for hours of work, breaks and days of rest? Start the questionnaire.

  • Door with arrow pointing right icon
    Job-protected leaves

    Does your business comply with Alberta’s employment laws for job-protected leaves? Start the questionnaire.

  • Clock icon

    Does your business comply with Alberta’s employment laws for overtime? Start the questionnaire.

  • money icon
    Payment of earnings

    Does your business comply with Alberta’s employment laws for pay periods, pay statements, and deductions from employee pay? Start the questionnaire.

  • Hand with palm facing out icon
    Termination and temporary layoff

    Does your business comply with Alberta’s employment laws for giving notice, calculating termination pay and deadlines for payments? Start the questionnaire.

  • Car icon

    Does your business comply with Alberta’s employment laws for vacation time and vacation pay? Start the questionnaire.